Sentences with phrase «couple of dollars»

I recently picked up a leather skirt in my local (and most favourite) thrift store for a just couple of dollars.
I have spent many a pretty couple of dollars on energy - type bars.
Make sure and pay the extra couple of dollars for liability insurance because while away at college your liability risk may be higher than you realize.
This just might be the best couple of dollars you've spent in a while.
You may find that they're worth those extra couple of dollars.
Even when the «cash balance» does start it is usually a paltry couple of dollars per year in the beginning.
Yeah, it would've been nice to have direct integration with Amazon, but I'll forego the extra couple of dollars so long as the end result is industry standard.
My wish was granted at Brimfield, for a mere couple of dollars.
Yes I can increase my profit range from a mere couple of dollars to a whole lot more but doing so would mean these that work for me can no longer provide for their family.
Sometimes I wish the premium was a little lower, but their claims service when I hit a deer with my car was worth the extra couple of dollars, plus my independent agent is a friend and he has his personal insurance with NYCM - that says a lot to me especially since he represents several companies.
They figure out how they can make a couple of dollars every day they operate their businesses.
Just keep in mind that prices vary from company to company and you may only earn a few cents or couple of dollars for your time - sometimes you'll receive gift cards as compensation.
Building a business doesn't take just a couple of dollars and a few mouse - clicks.
This can include reviewing the deals you have with service providers, insurance companies, your payroll services company, office - supply sellers, equipment lessors, or credit card and bank companies — basically anywhere you could save yourself a couple of dollars.
Figure a way that I can pay a couple of dollars a month in exchange for the various companies letting me jump the line when I need help.
In April, the car rental company Zipcar sold its shares at $ 18 — a couple of dollars above its expected range.
«Every couple of dollars up the price scale, there's a lodging concept.
According to Hunt, long - term investors like PGIM see the longer - run market fundamentals and sentiment as «much more important than whether we get a bounce of a couple of dollars on Brent today or not.
If everyone who visits rabble and likes it chipped in a couple of dollars per month, our future would be much more secure and we could do much more: like the things our readers tell us they want to see more of: more staff reporters and more work to complete the upgrade of our website.
Herbie, if you can't learn a little Zepplin, I think there are many of us who would put up a couple of dollars to get you a BJ to relieve the back pressure that is causing you to think poorly.
150 pesos trades on the free market for a couple of dollars.
The statue was ordered from France for just over a hundred dollars, as I recall, and our fellow seminarians each kicked in a couple of dollars apiece to purchase it.
He replies that he is working for the airline Growthmania Intercontinental which has discovered that it can sell these rivets for a couple of dollars apiece.
It's about 50 ml and just a couple of dollars so that you don't have to «waste.»
Prices are all across the board and so I don't want to sacrifice quality baking performance for a few dollars but if there is no significant difference, jeepers why spend the big bucks when I can obtain them for a couple of dollars / ea.
It's a couple of dollars for a lil bottle), use 1 tsp sesame oil mixed with a pinch or two of chilli powder.
I'm not teaming up with a customer just to get a couple of dollars in sales — I want a lifetime partner.
A college student on a budget knows that almonds in the bulk section only cost $ 4.95 / lb, meaning he / she can have a pound of super food, easily digestible homemade almond flour, which is healthier and savings of over a couple of dollars from regular online almond flour.
Hi Shauna, I realize this is a year late and a couple of dollar short, but the next time it gets that hot... or even just too hot, try drinking a hot cup of coffee.
My kids [he's holding Zakee, below left] feed the machine, and I pay them a couple of dollars
Phil L., a recovering gambler who is an alumnus of Taylor Manor, recalls the social phase: «When I was real little, eight or nine years old, my aunts would take me to the racetrack, give me a couple of dollars and buy my ticket.
With that and a couple of dollars, I can usually buy a coffee somewhere.
If you are going to spend valuable time and effort making something, you owe it to yourself, and your creations, to use the best possible materials for a couple of dollars more.
Often you should find a price that gives you quality but at the same time leaves a couple of dollars for other stroller accessories, shipping fee, and groceries.
It's usually only a couple of dollars and I can fit up to two diapers if I really work at compression.
Some nurseries sell them for a couple of dollars or give them away at certain times of the year just to clear out inventory.
A couple of dollars for something that actually holds liquid versus a flimsy cloth?
A single ball will create a normal - sized cloth (like this pattern) and it often costs just a couple of dollars.
Their production cost is cheap: you can buy chickens for as little as a couple of dollars, and three hens will likely average about two eggs a day.
Maybe pin a couple of dollar bills around his neck or if feeling energetic, use matching solid color to make a collar and attach the dollar bills to that.
It is sad days in world history that we sacrifice the health of our children and self for a couple of dollars.
Puzzle pieces end up strewn all over the place around here), you might have to pay a couple of dollars to replace it.
(An organic version of this pad, where the outer cover is made from 100 % organic cotton, runs a couple of dollars more).
«A couple of dollars more is a lot for a mom.»
The dipping chocolate you can get in the baking aisle of any grocery store and it's only a couple of dollars for one container.
You can buy them online or make them yourself for only a couple of dollars.
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