Sentences with phrase «couple players»

currently what the club stands for is buying couple players and then destroying our expectation by failing to complement the players with the quality they need.
Currently we have a couple players with a couple goals.
Also while I'm on the subject, I've seen more than a couple players this season pointing players toward something before giving out instruction, we'll need this for sure.
Team Hernandez has added a couple players to their Free Agent crew in the past couple weeks and in many ways they've had to sort of hit the Reset button on the progress they had been making..
On a busy NBA Tuesday, the rivalries were in full effect and a couple players named Anthony made history.
If I had a penny for every time an arsenal fan said we're only a couple players short of challenging, or we've been unlucky with injuries I'd have enough money to buy out kroenke.
«We had a couple players that damn near came and hugged me and my assistant,» Neal says.
Mikel Arteta gets a 1 year extension that means no new DM unfortunately, Wenger is going to bottle this transfer window again, everybody knows we are a couple players short from truly challenging for the title
I would agree with you McLovin, a powerful leader CB and a imposing DM, a couple players to help the attack play with more freedom.
After buying a CF then mainly what we need to do is upgrade a couple players and we would have a title challenging team.
Most of his passes are backward and sideways, can't dribble his way out of a couple players when needed to take some pressure off and now he seems to be easily disposed of the ball.
My reasoning behind swapping those players around is because Cazorla I feel would be better at defending, he doesn't have 30 min quiet periods like Podolski and he has quick feet which would help him skip past a couple players to release Podolski... and Podolski is the best finnisher at the club according to it so we would want him around the box more often than not, he can score with his left peg if given space and the chance.
We need cover elsewhere and if we are only buying a couple players again this year, we need help elsewhere.
It is TWO players and we are ARSENAL, we are use to having a couple players unavailable to us lol, a couple won't hurt our EPL drive... it's when we lose half our starting team.
Assuming all players remain, I see majority of the transfer budget going to a striker and a couple players in their early 20 ’s
If this is the case, as it seems it may, AW really must get a couple players regardless of how badly it seems he does not want to.
The NFC South avoided major injuries in Week 15, with only a couple players suffering some minor nicks over the weekend.
Yes we have imploded recently but I honestly do feel we are missing just a couple players from competing at the top and not such a massive gap as recent results would indicate.
On the flip side no player is bigger than the club and if a couple players are dropped for the benefit of the team then they need to work harder in training to earn their spot.
A couple players have been rumored to not want to be drafted by Cleveland this year (Rosen and Barkley).
I'd rather at this point play him on the wing or AMF becuase we have absolutely no control in midfield (including two wingers not just middle three) without him, he is only one of a couple players who also defend when playing on the wing, the other being Joel Campbell.
A couple players I'm intrigued by are Alexander Zverev (+2200) and Marin Cilic (+1800).
Unfortunately we may «panic» buy a couple players but this club needs a drastic change of direction to compete for trophies and without the prospect of winning you will have 2 options: 1.
A couple players I like in this tournament are Sergio Garcia and Chris Wood.
If you're looking for a team that probably won't reinvent themselves next year, you can also check the Giants out, because they're probably going to try again with this same lineup, give or take a couple players.
Colorado Rapids: The Rapids also have a couple players out, most notably wingback Marlon Hairston and defender Kortne Ford, both of whom have long - term injuries.
With the dust having settled after the transfer window, there appears to be a clear ideal XI with a couple players sprinkled in for depth - with - no - drop - off.
, and in an already aging squad with at best a couple players you could realistically imagine winning an EPL title, it's difficult to see why the club would clog up so much money in a key attacking position for an older player who doesn't seem to advance the squad's needed rebuild.
Greg Vanney opted to rest a couple players dealing with injuries: central defender Chris Mavinga, the best player alongside Sebastian Giovinco in the roster in the first matches of 2018, and Victor Vazquez, our midfield maestro.
TC took Alioski and Hernandez off the pitch at halftime, replacing them with Stuart Dallas and Kemar Roofe in an attempt to get a couple players that could deal with the physicality of the Millwall players and provide cover for the fullbacks, who were getting overwhelmed.
This allowed me to dart closer to the action and take out a couple players at a time.
In fact, as of this writing, a couple players in my friendly Facebook group have already nabbed over 1,000 caps.
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