Sentences with phrase «couple reasons for this»

There's a couple reasons for that: First, that term (for me, at least) points toward the policing direction we're looking to avoid.
So, their life time use is shorter and there are couple reasons for that one is simply they are more aware of what they're doing because they can feel it instead of on the disposable diapers and so they are able to kind of potty train faster.
There are a couple reasons for this.
There can be a couple reasons for this.
I have a couple reasons for this: 1.)
There's a couple reasons for that.
There are a couple reasons for this, but the two main reasons seem to be that poor policing of the site fails to knock the worst of the worst off its ranks and the fact that people on free dating sites and apps tend to a have a less serious goal than the singles on paid dating sites.
And believe me, there's a couple reasons for that
And believe me, there's a couple reasons for that Dating single mothers?
There are a couple reasons for this.
There are a couple reasons for having a Traditional or Roth IRA in addition to a 401 (k) program in general, starting with the Traditional IRA:
There are a couple reasons for this.
Dr. Laci: It sounds like there are a couple reasons for Sam's constipation, and the good news for you is you don't have to rush him to the ER or worry at this point.
There are a couple reasons for this.
There are a couple reasons for this shift.
There were a couple reasons for this looking back.
There are a couple reasons for this.
If you need a couple reasons for biting the bullet and playing the game anyway, firstly you can succor yourself with the knowledge that Bluetooth co-op is available so you can nuke zombies and armored crabs simultaneously.
It's unusual for a console to be announced so early, but Microsoft had a couple reasons for doing this, as Marketing Head Aaron Greenburg explained in an interview GameSpot during E3.
But developers contend there are a couple reasons for the delay.
The Galaxy Note 4 from Samsung is one of the best Android devices of this year, and there is not just a couple reasons for us to say that.
There's a couple reasons for that.
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