Sentences with phrase «couple songs»

The first couple songs off the new album are certainly more on the country side of the Americana spectrum than her previous album
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Our Christmas station is doing the same thing - or different versions of the same couple songs over and over again.
Subtitled in English Song Ji Hyo dating with Park Seo Joon - Sweet Couple Song Ji hyo Running Man
He would sing / hum along to the first couple songs and then the final song was his signal to close his eyes and sleep.)
I was big fan of Ty's music, and [after] hearing his story and his struggle and his brother, I reached out a while back about doing a couple songs, and I sent him a couple songs to consider.
although a couple songs on the album are pretty good.
He even danced to a couple songs, awesome!
He has no lines, but a couple songs.
But perhaps all those new Composer jobs are really bad — after all, composing a couple songs for a little iPhone game hardly pays as much as composing music for a blockbuster video game like Destiny.
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