Sentences with word «coupledom»

As NZIFF director Bill Gosden pointed out as he introduced the opening film for this year's festival, movies have done a lot to promote the notion of coupledom over the years.
Why facing stressful life events early in coupledom can lead to longevity.
Historically, gay men have treated monogamy more casually, in part because society treated gay coupledom as unthinkable.
As for the significance of handholding, Dalton Conley, a professor of sociology at Princeton University, told The New York Times in 2006: «It's less about sex than about a public demonstration about coupledom
Together, Victoria and Albert projected an image of happy coupledom that the public could aspire to, and the royals became well respected and loved once more.
Then those activities give you fun and adventurous things to enliven your senior coupledom!
«I've been researching love and coupledom for 30 years and now the internet has brusquely changed the rules of dating,» Kaufmann tells me.
This is something even more dark, otherworldly and delirious where coupledom proves a debilitating battle of wits and parents have little loyalty.
Dual - career coupledom doesn't have to be a zero - sum game.
-- and while I am very aware of how people curate a perfect online presence, I never considered that what people post on Facebook somehow continues to elevate coupledom as being better than, and reinforces gendered notions of what a «good» marriage looks like.
Not that it's not OK to do that from time to time or for certain situations; it's just that somehow in the togetherness of coupledom too many women forget to have a life of our own.
Anxious folks are more likely to cling to coupledom quite tightly) You were assuming coupled people couldn't be coupled and have attachment disorders in any great number.
Domestic coupledom presents a wealth of practical tasks, from arranging and paying bills to domestic chores.
Such an edict may well prompt trigger hair analogies with our present - day world of dating apps and matchmaking reality shows, but its resonance runs much deeper than that: even ancient Rome was known to enact strict anti-celibacy laws, and what society has not developed mechanisms to pressure its members into coupledom?
The facility functions like a hotel, but trains (brainwashes, really) its guests about why coupledom is the way to go.
Once the knotty exposition is out of the way, it is Marshall and scripters Josann McGibbon and Sara Parriott's job to step back and let the Roberts - Gere sparks take over, and the well - matched stars pick up where they left off on that Hollywood fire escape nine years ago; they sizzle together, and it is impossible not to have a rooting interest in their characters» eventual coupledom.
If there's a problem here, it's that the film might mark the divide between contented coupledom and the yearning single life a little too patly.
But an exchange of sexy e-mails and their undeniable attraction wins the day, and soon Emma and Jack are enjoying coupledom.
That way, they know they are not alone in the struggle to navigate a thriving coupledom as parents and can relax a bit into the process.
While I was a successful business woman and life adventurer for many years, I learned quickly once married that all that wisdom doesn't necessarily translate to successful coupledom.
Today's singles are surrounded and bombarded by reminders of the joys of coupledom.
Understanding, respect and support — all this is the basis of a happy coupledom.
Being the gentleman you are gives you the best chance to get past the first date and move into the senior coupledom you seek.
In this strange dystopia, David (Colin Farrell) meets and falls for a woman from another community, where coupledom is strictly forbidden.
The shallow tangles of limbs in her drawings make way for more therapy fodder — Sillman said the hundreds of layers of oil paint on each of the 13 canvases conceal anxieties and feelings about coupledom
With all of the coupledom in the air we still managed some semblance of individuality.
«You got together because you share interests — don't lose that part of your coupledom
When it comes to coupledom and desire, no one knows how to help people reignite the spark of passion like her.»
Yes, Mum and Dad probably are to blame to some degree for my rather cut - throat approach to coupledom.
I've watched the posts from others on Facebook who constantly share their coupledom with everyone.
It's brought singles together to coupledom and it's shattered relationships of others who weren't on the same political page.
I've watched the posts from others on Facebook who are shared their coupledom with everyone, from kissing under the mistletoe to the eight gifts on Hanukkah, which just magnifies how tough it is being single at the holidays.
The details of his oppressive dystopia — where single people are hunted like animals even before they're turned into them and police demand documented proof of coupledom — create a fun - house reflection of our unforgiving dating culture.
Free from the (literal) shackles of coupledom, Johnson plays Alice, a newly single twentysomething who gets by with a...
As part of their official duties, the couple posed for a engagement photocall on Monday to give the world new images of their coupledom and a peek at the «Suits» actress's engagement ring.
But you'll find that there's a strange system at play: It's compulsory for singles to find a partner, under the watch of an oppressive staff, foot soldiers for a tyranny of coupledom.
Though she professes to be contentedly unattached, the virtues of coupledom are oppressively advertised to her from all sides — by sources close to home, where her parents (Ken Stott and Harriet Walter) are preparing their 40th anniversary celebrations, and complete strangers.
They're also perfect as a couple, and even in a movie that's more here to make us laugh, they're able to add that little bit of extra that proves even if their coupledom is in a slump, they really are soulmates who love each other.
Start on the wrong foot, in an area where the jobs are scarce and the pay is pathetic, and you could end up on a one - way path to being in debt forever — and spend most of your coupledom arguing over money.
An unlikely but inspired pairing, this show of the works of the painter Alex Katz and the video artist Dara Friedman finds both artists exploring the state of coupledom.
It's such a vague and high - handed teaser, so full of «significance»: Don, the ad man, looking at an ad, a fantasy version of the coupledom that keeps eluding him, while his reflection stares back at him.
More than one couple confessed there were people at their firm who remained unaware of their coupledom until a wedding invitation was circulated or a baby announcement popped up in their inbox.
When women perceived an imbalance in their coupledom — and they had a higher share of housework — their stress levels rose.
But if you and your partner are really serious about each other (and if you're putting yourselves through the total aggravation of long distance there must be a reason), then haul yourselves out of coupledom - isolation.
We all realize that difficulties cluster around major events; for instance, trading the single life for coupledom, having a baby, financial difficulties, sexual differences, career changes, lifestyle changes, or retirement.
One partner makes the call to set up an appointment, and comes to therapy alone in hopes that they can make the shifts they need to create better communication, or to resolve an issue that's been plaguing their coupledom.
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