Sentences with word «couplehood»

Potentially filling Sundance's quota for difficult relationships, Hannah Fidell (profiled in our IONCINEPHILE series) will have moved from the heated, self - deprecating rapport between prof and student in A Teacher (selected for the NEXT section in 2013) to a tumultuous, uphill / downhill portrait of couplehood in 6 Years.
Harris's ACT with Love takes acceptance and commitment therapy into the realm of couplehood in a kind, thoughtful, and realistic way.
We had a wonderful couplehood time alone - goodness, we needed that so much.
The relationship one has with alcohol, drugs, internet porn, or gambling can have an enormous negative impact on couplehood and marriage.
The dark comedy comes rife with articulate jabs at couplehood, circles of friends, and the balance of harsh judgment and loving acceptance found therein.
During the weekend, we focus on viewing couplehood as a spiritual path.
More than just a witty parody of meaningless couplehood, The Lobster becomes more probing as it gets further and further into its strange and cruel world, building to a finale that asks whether two people can love one other on any terms except those forced on them by society.
Read Wasson's response, and the whole witty back - and - forth, which also touches on the tyranny of Jennifers, the legend of Jill Clayburgh, and how bad romantic comedies may be doing actual damage to real - world couplehood.
There is little sign of love or affection between them, but despite the vast gaps in age and personality, Boris and Melodie find couplehood contenting.
Both men of course make their way to Star Fleet, thus beginning the oddest couplehood since Felix Unger showed up on Oscar Madison's doorstep with a suitcase and a frown.
This year the Greek director moves up in the ranks of the festival by competing for the Palme d'Or with his star - studded English - language dystopian love story The Lobster that can also ironically be described as a satire of our relationship and dating - obsessed society where couplehood represents the superior way of life.
How to Screw Up Your Marriage: Do - Over Tips for First - Time Failures is a no - nonsense formula for couplehood success told through the delightful voice and stories of a human relations expert who is herself in a wonderfully nauseating second marriage with a passel of his and hers kids.
Finally Understanding Carnal Knowledge: Alpha handbook for self - improvement, dating, picking up women, and couplehood magic
Close relationships and placemaking: Do objects in a couple's home reflect couplehood?
You may be largely happy in your relationship, and wanting to use the therapy process to stay on top of the little aches and pains of couplehood before they become major problems.
I am always excited to see two individuals grow in their own self understanding as well as developing better relational skills to have a solid, secure couplehood they both enjoy.
No matter how open a couple is, clearly some expectations of each partner change when couplehood is undertaken.
Explore the truth about love and conflict and uncover how couplehood is an instrument for healing and transformation
If your relationship is strong, and you simply want to use counseling to grow together, I can help you work through the minor aches and pains of couplehood while staying on course for the future you have planned together.
When one of you feels as if you are drifting away from your partner and couplehood in a big way: a job that takes you away from home for days or weeks at a time; when new parenthood strains the closeness; a crisis of faith or health or employment.
Scientist - Couples Finally, in last year's dual - career couples feature we focused not so much on parenthood, but on couplehood — that is, what it takes to enjoy a fulfilling partnership while also pursuing demanding careers.
Learn about how Robyn D'Angelo, The Happy Couple Expert uses science to effectively help couples in Orange County, California to master the messiness of couplehood, together.
Pierre was already planning which restaurants to check out, what to do in Paris etc while I was torn between being happy to have some couplehood time alone at last and feeling like I have abandoned my little girl behind and worried about this and that (like a typical mother).
Or is she realistically seeing the dark side of couplehood?
But when you start advertising your couplehood, you're turning the attention away from where it should be, which is on the two of you.»
It's like the difference between having GPS and not having it: couples might eventually find a place that feels right in their couplehood, but with this marital GPS, they can see exactly where they want to go and how to get there.
I was immediately attracted to the premise: three wives - and - mothers interview moms and dads to gain insight on what «married - with - children» really looks like, and then propose practical solutions to help parents make the journey back to couplehood.
Presuming that, in most cases, couplehood is a prerequisite for parenthood, we thought you might appreciate a link to that feature, too.
If you've been a couple so long the romance is already waning and you've reached the doldrums of couplehood, then you may have missed your moment.
The English - language debut of Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos offers a precise and novelistic metaphor for love and couplehood.
Phantom Thread is, in the end, a perverse sort of romantic comedy, a wicked tribute to the compromises and lovable madnesses of couplehood, all staged with elegant restraint by Anderson and given lift by Jonny Greenwood's lush and alluring score.
«The Lobster» is a satire on the subject of our universal obsession with relationships, and our conviction that couplehood is the supreme expression of human happiness, a civilised institution which distinguishes us from the beasts.»
By the end, the movie succumbs to the conventions of the genre, and rushes to pair up its leads and reaffirm the necessity of couplehood — for the purposes of satisfying storytelling, if nothing else.
Opening scenes capture the intimacy of their couplehood — he's in film production, she's a novelist who has become a full - time mom.
Neither my personal relationship, nor my work with relationships in couplehood was working as I thought it should.
Our lead feature in this issue explores the remarkable level of media attention couples therapist Esther Perel, author of the forthcoming book The State of Affairs, has received for articulating the range of dissatisfactions many intimate partners experience today, and daring to open up a wider cultural conversation about our notions of couplehood.
I was ready to create a private psychotherapy practice that flourished so that I could help as many couples learn to master the messiness of couplehood, as possible.
-- Pat Love, co-author of How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It «Open this book anywhere and you'll find a rule that will rescue you from the swamps and quicksands of marriage and couplehood.
E.F.T. fits well with a hopeful, optimistic view of couplehood, partnership and the ability to heal, grow stronger together and have a fulfilling relationship for a lifetime of love and shared adventures in life.
Of course, I'm not suggesting that your relationship should involve emotional pain or that couplehood and martydom are inevitable.
Additionally, couplehood has become more diverse and is no longer limited to the realm of marriage.
Change and awareness are daily milestones and this is why both Gary and I are so focused on helping you and your couplehood make those extraordinary leaps to achieve ultimate joy and happiness.
I help couples learn to master the messiness of couplehood, together.
Introducing a child (or two, or three) to your couplehood is bittersweet.
Helping couples reconnect and find relational wholeness is often a multi-dimensional process that includes addressing both the needs of the individual and the couplehood.
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