Sentences with word «coupleship»

Drs. John and Julie Gottman have shown how couples can accomplish this by paying attention to what they call the Sound Relationship House, or the seven components of healthy coupleships:
They are where the rubber meets the road, where the work of commitment, intimacy, and deep coupleship begin.
A: Imago is a spiritual model in that it views coupleship as a spiritual journey and growth path.
Her scholarship has been focused on issues of diversity, biracial coupleships, and ethics.
If you are both motivated and have the shared goal to work towards a stronger, more satisfying coupleship, I will help you visualize building a sound relationship house from the ground up.
Individual healing, though, doesn't automatically translate into a healthy coupleship.
Turns out having kids is the hardest thing your coupleship has had to endure, right?
Just as the addict and co-addict need their individual support groups, the coupleship requires the same kind of help.
It allows each partner to begin his and her individual journeys of recovery before addressing issues in the coupleship.
The Bethesda Workshops program greatly accelerates the recovery process, and most people find significant improvement, both personally and within their coupleship, within six to twelve months if they're willing to do the work.
A Healing for Couples workshop provides the same boost for your coupleship that the individual workshops did for personal healing.
A coupleship in the truest sense of the one flesh union that God intends for marriage.
Each couple creates a simple vision for their coupleship.
You may want to seek a couples therapist to help sort out the problem in the coupleship.
This is 100 % true for adults no matter what type of relationship they are in be it a coupleship, A CEO with his or her board, a Parenting relationship or the President of the United States when determining how to move forward for
Imago Relationship Therapy is based on the tenet of developmental psychology that tells us that the past weighs heavily on the present; that means that any sharp conflict in the coupleship is intense to the degree that it is evoking deep emotional experiences from the past; and that can be woundedness from other relationships in the past — most importantly the roots of that pain can go back into each individual's childhood development.
In order for this work to begin, both members of the coupleship need to recognize that neither one is solely responsible for the troubles, but it takes two to dance: the old stances in the old dances no longer work and are producing more pain than pleasure.
Understand sexual addiction as a relational trauma that traumatizes not only the addict but partner and coupleship
My therapy approach to working couples helps partners to identify what is right between the two of them and what is within the coupleship that is worth saving.
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