Sentences with phrase «courageous ones»

So when, in the first Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the ban since 1993, the military says one thing, many members of Congress fear going against them, though a few courageous ones have.
The smart, courageous ones will grow out of it.
But just on that account, he is the courageous one, because in spite of it he voluntarily wills the suffering.
You are indeed a great fan, a courageous one, a true gunner, we will over come Atlantico Madrid believe me.
This is just one example of the abortion conversation happening online, but it's a courageous one.
Harris's program of a science - based morality is a courageous one that I wholeheartedly endorse, but how do we resolve conflicts over such hotly contested issues as taxes?
Now we have up - to - date biographies of these two figures, both written by Professor J. Wesley Null, of Baylor University, a careful and thorough scholar and, given the uniformly progressivist sentiments of schools of education today, a courageous one.
'' * I am currently accepting new clients * Making the decision to begin therapy is a courageous one.
«The decision to seek out therapy and to find a therapist is a courageous one, and can be a scary or daunting process.

Not exact matches

One of the most trying times of my life happened six years ago when my mother lost her courageous battle with Stage IV colon and liver cancer six years ago in November.
Catalysed by courageous first person accounts of sexual harassment and assault, Harvey Weinstein — one of the biggest executives in filmmaking — was forced from his place of power in Hollywood while a wave of empathy and solidarity with those who spoke out swept across social media via the #MeToo campaign.
And no one will notice or care. In Budget 2007, the Conservatives did something courageous and which tax experts had long called for: they proposed measures that would have denied firms a tax deduction on money borrowed in Canada, invested -LSB-...]
Author and pastor Brian McLaren, has called you, «One of the most courageous pastors in the US» and Christianity magazine editor John Buckeridge has raved about your teaching style.
To many he is known as one of the most courageous opponents of the bloody war in Indo - China, to others he is known as a leader in the civil - rights movement, yet to others he is known as a popular writer and speaker, and to yet others he is an enterprising young politician who will someday hold political office.
So one is left wondering what, exactly, they've done to be courageous in attempting to save their own skins.
I know God can redeem the ones courageous enough to be broken and fall on their knees and ask for forgiveness.
One of the most courageous things we can do as mature adults is embrace our own limits.
How to become stronger, more inclined to do the loving, courageous, honest thing rather than the self - serving one?
Speaking from his studio window overlooking St Peter's Square, the pontiff said: «May the Lord welcome these courageous witnesses, these martyrs, in his peace and convert the hearts of the violent ones
He can hold that the Church's ministry has failed because it has not proclaimed the principles loudly enough, or has failed in the appropriate calculation of relative emphasis in proclaiming the many principles which often dialectically neutralize one another, or has made too little courageous use of the possibilities of the pastoral office.
In a press release, Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. described Beck as a «conservative leader» and «one of the few courageous voices in the national media standing up for the principles upon which this nation was founded.»
He said he saw a courageous family who lost a loved one many years ago and is still grieving the loss.
His is the early - nineteenth - century's liberalism of Friedrich Schleiermacher, an «enormously courageous move» that, «focusing on religious experience rather than religious ideation as the object of theological reflection,... combined faith in one's own experience with faith in the God who will not abandon those who trust in Him.»
On a sleepy Sunday morning, with a listless service and an apathetic sermon, one too easily may forget that the driving power of Christianity has lain in the courageous and combative Personality who founded it, the adventurous faith which has sustained it, and the brave people who have been its glory.
It is much more courageous to follow the reality of no gods and keep one's integrity than to take the easy way out and follow the crowd so their life will be simpler.
Remembering the day and the horrific acts that affected the lives of so many should not come down to a cross or any other religious symbol, it should come down to remembering those who senselessly lost their lives; remembering those who were courageous enough to enter those fallen buildings; to remembering the loved ones left behind.
«Courageous,» which opened in just 1,161 theaters this past weekend, depicts four police officers who share a commonality both as fathers and in their effort to become better ones.
The courageous Archbishop who celebrated Mass in the open air was the one who finally blessed the great new church — on a day of great joy and pouring rain with vast crowds attending — and who would later give that courage to the wider Church on his election to the Papacy as John Paul II.
I for one thought he was kind of courageous there.
Both had been worn down in their work — one by a resistant, divided, charismatic - afflicted congregation, the other by long years of courageous fighting on all the issues — Vietnam, gay liberation, Watergate.
No one was more learned, more virtuous, more courageous, more inspirational, than Origen — and then he started to teach heresy!
Like Anna Karenina, Hester is one of the great heroines in world literature, and if Hawthorne was unsympathetic in his estimate of Margaret Fuller (whom he knew) and her brand of feminism, he sympathetically portrayed Anne Hutchinson as a courageous martyr, and he adored and praised his own wife.
For Luke, Jesus is the innocent and faithful one whose courageous and merciful death foreshadows the death of Stephen and presumably of martyrs in Luke's own time.
If we are going to attack people for dealing with a difficult situation in a courageous way, then we are the ones who have sunk to new lows.
As one of the outstanding «signs of the times,» pluralism invites a courageous and generous ecumenical spirit and action.
This one of Sophia, our young woman on her courageous journey towards her independence and wisdom, must have a beginning.
On May 15 the National Council of Churches» Governing Board, which consists of 266 delegates from 32 denominations, made one of the most courageous statements that I can remember coming from such a representative church body.
This to me is one of the core problems with religion: it gives credit for good acts to a «god» rather than to the good courageous folk themselves, who did these brave acts.
Hamilton, arguably one of our most innovative and courageous theological minds, demonstrates again, as he did when writing about Dostoevsky or Camus, that he also is one of our most insightful theological interpreters of modern literature.
Except for an independent organization called the National Episcopal Coalition on Alcoholism and Drugs, a handful of diocesan, councils that promote conferences on alcohol and drugs, and approximately a dozen concerned and courageous bishops who require clergy training in the subjects, the Episcopal Church, in which I am a priest, would have no focused program on chemical dependency at all, save one day a year called Alcohol Awareness Sunday.
Often enough Christians are put to shame by the deep piety, courageous confession, and active love for one's brother demonstrated in other religions.
The two common characteristics of these dioceses is that they are led by bishops that are committed to a bold and courageous defense of orthodox Catholicism, and they are making vocations a number one priority within their dioceses through building strong vocation teams that are actively recruiting new priests.
The closing paragraph of the message adopted by the council is one that will long abide in the memory of those who were at Jerusalem and truly expresses the call which they heard to a fresh and courageous commitment to the world - wide cause of Christ:
Her origins are in the black folk expression «You acting womanish,» meaning, according to Walker, «wanting to know more and in greater depth than is good for one — outrageous audacious, courageous and willful behavior.»
Whatever else one may find in the Master, one surely can not miss his courageous nonconformity.
Courtney is also one of the bravest people I know — this post she wrote after she suffered a devastating miscarriage in 2014 is one of the most courageous, beautiful, honest and touching things I've ever read.
However the cow couldn't care less and continued eying at those delicious nuts, Little One started to growl like a little courageous lion cub to frighten it away to no avail.
founded on the belief that success comes from the constant pursuit of innovation and quality, genuine hospitality, being courageous, caring for one another and... having FUN?
He hit some impeccable shots, and played the last six holes one under par for a courageous 73.
JM took on an Inter team that had just won 3 consecutive Serie A titles — not really a high - risk or courageous move, and no - one will persuade me that Wenger could not have collected some silverware there in similar circumstances.
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