Sentences with word «courageousness»

Do you think you are understating the exceptional courageousness and intelligence of your work during the genocide?
Teach courageousness and praise your pet for being steady or moving toward whatever it deals with something new or threatening.
I can however speak to the great questions that were brought to the table, which tells me they did their research; it is also important to note that quite a few bloggers have posted follow up posts defending their position and have kept their posts live even in the face of negative comments, and even though the small gift card we gave them didn't require this courageousness.
I am nomadic and bold on my journey - and spread this purity and courageousness to all I meet.
A word of advice — if you want to demonstrate your courageousness and awesome manliness, it's always better to talk in person.
Jim Rome On Showtime, Season 3, Episode 2: Jim Rome lauds the courageousness of Missouri All - American defensive end Michael Sam for coming out as gay to the public.
This tack is particularly unfortunate with Fonda, who could have made Grace a figure of pathos or resiliency or courageousness — something other than a goony granny.
A film that won me over with its honesty and courageousness was Marielle Heller's «The Diary of a Teenage Girl,» an under - seen gem that took a startlingly frank look at the sexual coming - of - age of a 15 - year - old girl (played brilliantly by Bel Powley).
The Finest Hours isn't so much interested in captainship per se (if you want to get technical, Pine's role hews closer to coxswain than captain this time), but it is still a movie that champions leadership and courageousness.
Bullmastiff — This breed is known for its physical strength, protection instincts, courageousness, and extreme family loyalty.
Pomeranians, Papillion, and Toy Fox Terriers are very small dogs, but with their courageousness and bold personalities these canines have big nutritional requirements.
You can reward your cat's courageousness with treats in the process.
High regards go out to everyone for their courageousness to participate in the evaluation even though most had not planned nor practiced prior to the event but rather performed on cue, cold, as walk on performers.
Building up your courageousness will allow you to open the door to uncertainty and ease into Curiosity, Creativity, and experiencing new things.
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