Sentences with word «cource»

Many parents finally decided to give their kids kindle fire that of cource for educational purpose.
Roughly 75 percent of people who make it into the initial six - month SEAL training cource, known as Basic Underwater Demolitions / Seal Training (BUDS), wind up washing out.
of cource so are the lgbtv freaks.
Next is Wembly and if we win that, there is definite cource of excitement for the PL.
What impressed me more, is that jetbook unlike plastic logic comes with lots of educational modeules like Oxford dictionary, reference books, analog of our SAT test, speed reading cource, periodic table, graphing calculator, it has voice output and some other programs.
Edinburgh also has some of the finest international sporting venues in the UK, tennis courts, golf cources, swimming pools, sports centres, and one of Europe's largest dry ski slopes, all with in easy reach of No. 53 Frederick Street.
We have taken many, many cources, have many years experience in working with Real Estate Sales plus pay yearly for the Right to Belong to our OWN business site....
I just created one, you can send me your email to this address, if you're ok of cource.
I 100 % agree with Ross K Licenced realtors have to run expense of boards, Council, Associations, Training cources, pay insurance, penalties, threat of suspension.
Of cource we need a CB.
All that would happen is the home owner would send the footage in and they of cource would not exagerate to sell the home, OH YA.
I appreciate anyone who will always remember all the people 911 have touched the family members, the first responders, the injured and of cource the people who were killed on that day including my husband Marty.
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