Sentences with phrase «course of events for»

Players want Bungie to effectively roll the game back to the state it was in during the peak of the original Destiny, an unlikely course of events for a studio that has only just begun examining its most critical missteps.
The central question seems to be — does the prospect of liquidation need to be a plausible future course of events for the NCAV model to work — i.e., provide decent returns and protection of principal?
As they mature, it is a natural course of events for them to branch out from family and familiar faces and connect with others of their own age.

Not exact matches

The run - up to Christmas is, of course, their blockbuster season, so the event is where they start to build buzz for the biggest games of the year.
Apple, of course, is notorious for hyper - controlling the marketing and news leading up to its big product launch events.
When interests between management and shareholders become adverse, even through the regular course of events, it's important for boards to have their own set of lawyers who are independent from management and seen as objective and willing to act in the interest of directors, not management, and ultimately shareholders.
The exposure might sell copies of my book, tickets for my events or seats in my courses.
There's a reason why so much business gets done on golf courses and at networking events and formal receptions — it's often the best place for business people to relax a bit and get to know each other outside of the office.
Learn how AI technology and tools can help detect patterns in financial and transactional data, predict future events and even enable you to suggest a course of action for your users, resulting in a deeper and more meaningful connection.
Of course, for that to be true, you need to reach a liquidity event (IPO or M&A) at or above the last round valuation with no incremental dilution from new rounds.
It is home to the Haskayne School of Business» Executive Education and Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies, as well as is the location of many events and MBA courses.
«Mortgage rates dropped over the course of last week as global tensions increased surrounding events in the Middle East and the Korean peninsula,» said Mike Fratantoni, chief economist for the MBA.
And of course, any other unexpected event will be interpreted for how it might impact the Fed's move to raise interest rates for the first time since taking the fed funds rate to zero in 2008.
Newsletters can be sent to the email list you've built from the people who provided the necessary information on your website, for instance, providing these potential customers with news updates about your company, upcoming events and / or special offers — and, of course, reminding them that your business exists and that maybe it's time for another visit.
Many people who use their knowledge for consulting business ideas work from the comfort of their homes and diversify later on, if they so choose, by selling books, attending speaking events, holding online courses, and even doing podcasts.
For they have overlooked the fact that in the natural course of events, when government and the banking system do not increase the money supply very rapidly, freemarket capitalism will result in an increase of production and economic growth so great as to swamp the increase of money supply.
Remember to keep tabs on our conference website for information on venue, speakers, sponsors, and more, and don't forget to check back on our website for information on membership, webinars, events, and of course our national Employee Ownership Day 2018.
This, of course, is all circumstantial — just mere hours before on the day of the originally - intended launch, Musk tweeted about his optimism for the events that were meant to take place that evening.
That is bad enough, but the administration then tried to put the blame for the event not on itself (for its own failures) or the terrorists (who were of course the perpetrators), but on a YouTube video.
Afterward, at an event kicking off a lobbying day for more than 300 evangelical pastors on Capitol Hill, Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and a leader of Evangelical Immigration Table, said that anyone who says the bill provides amnesty needs «a course in remedial English.»
Of course, I didn't have a «missing day» in my order of events, because for me, Good Friday happened on ThursdaOf course, I didn't have a «missing day» in my order of events, because for me, Good Friday happened on Thursdaof events, because for me, Good Friday happened on Thursday.
first, it is effected without any distortion or disruption of any particular determinism: for events are not, in general, deflected from their course of prayer but are integrated into a new arrangement of the totality of forces;
What differentiates man radically from all other animals is this «Thou shalt not kill» For to say that is to flout the natural course of events.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation — We hold these truths to be self - evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
As people begin to ask whether our beautiful but fragile world is part of a godless and random universe, on course for an inevitable extinction event, how can we show that it is in fact held in the hands of a sovereign and loving God?
But there is simply too much order in our world, too much constancy in our habits, too much justice in our norms for us to think that the course of human events is not somehow channeled by God's providential plan.
At the other extreme, whether from belief that God will not thus change the course of events or that such praying is too clamorous, many draw the line at any petition except that for inner spiritual goods.
«When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...» But the Declaration then quickly moves, in the very same sentence, to the question of by what right or by what authority such a change is to be made.
Of course, many natural events are well outside the ability of humans to perform and have no obvious visible cause (e.g. thunderstorms, earthquakes, tides, etc.), so if you accept that invisible beings are responsible for them you also have to assume those invisible beings are immensely powerfuOf course, many natural events are well outside the ability of humans to perform and have no obvious visible cause (e.g. thunderstorms, earthquakes, tides, etc.), so if you accept that invisible beings are responsible for them you also have to assume those invisible beings are immensely powerfuof humans to perform and have no obvious visible cause (e.g. thunderstorms, earthquakes, tides, etc.), so if you accept that invisible beings are responsible for them you also have to assume those invisible beings are immensely powerful.
Is there not reason for Man, become aware of the direction in which Life is taking him, to rebel at last; to go on strike against a blind course of evolution which may not, in any event, betoken any real progress?
The divine vision for the world goes far beyond what takes place in the course of our own species» history or of events here on earth.
And so I in my turn, your Excellency, as one who has gone over the whole course of these events in detail, have decided to write a connected narrative for you, so as to give you authentic knowledge about the matters of which you have been informed.1
For that will mean that instead of reporting an individual course of events, I shall have slipped into a current fashion, and simply retailed that.
Weigel contrasts Benedict XVI's insights with those of Tony Blair... well, it's an unequal contest, of course, but the way in which Weigel brings this out, with reference to various events in recent British history (Princess Diana's death, the Iraq wars, Anglo - American relations) makes for an exciting read.
Throughout the course of the sumptuous lunch there will be a series of short talks given by courageous women, as well as live entertainment, and the event will be an opportunity for women of all walks of life to come together and talk — something women are particularly good at.
One of our main points in setting out this framework is the claim that in some deep sense, to do physics is to find laws that relate (E) to (E1) for separable events E and E1 (including of course the special case that E and E1 pertain to the same substance or object in the naive sense of those words.
Of course a philosopher can not in his official capacity speak of an act of God, for he never speaks of concrete events such as transactions between personOf course a philosopher can not in his official capacity speak of an act of God, for he never speaks of concrete events such as transactions between personof an act of God, for he never speaks of concrete events such as transactions between personof God, for he never speaks of concrete events such as transactions between personof concrete events such as transactions between persons.
The Faith Alive group in Southampton has in the past decade initiated Alpha courses, an ecumenical programme sharing ideas about leadership, formation and outreach methods with other denominations, a city guildhall event with a Catholic inspirational speaker and prayer teams, a city mission, an introductory programme for «new seekers», that is people interested in the Church and who might wish to continue with the RCIA, displays outside a church on a main road and a manned gazebo to provide information and resources to passers - by during the papal visit, and the Anchor catecheticscourse making use of the «way of beauty» for evangelising parishioners, seen as a primary target.
They purport to be accounts of some events which happened in the remote past, and, of course, were intended and for the most part received as such, quite literally and naïvely.
Texts would solve this if (a) there were extant texts for all historical events, which there obviously are not and (b) those texts that do exist were guaranteed to be the true, the whole truth and nothing but the, and this of course is also not even close to being the case.
They often use really old articles to troll for responses, sometimes using an article several times over the course of a year or two... long after the events have died away or changed.
When in the course of human events something new is launched, a decent respect for the opinion of others calls for a word of explanation.
The only alternative to this denial that God know what happens in the world was to say that time is unreal for God, so that the whole course of events affects God eternally.
People who ask these questions have not been liberated from the concept of God as omnipotent dictator of the universe, who is responsible for everything that happens and who, if he willed, could change the course of events by sheer fiat.
Of course, the love of God for any particular others could only be contingent, assuming that God alone exists necessarily, all other individuals and events existing or occurring merely contingentlOf course, the love of God for any particular others could only be contingent, assuming that God alone exists necessarily, all other individuals and events existing or occurring merely contingentlof God for any particular others could only be contingent, assuming that God alone exists necessarily, all other individuals and events existing or occurring merely contingently.
Like them, and therefore also like Berkeley's finite perceivers, he is passive in perception; with them, the content of his perception is independent of his will, for the creative events are free — though, of course, within the limits that God also represents — to give to reality and so to God something of their creative novelty.
This does not mean, of course, that nothing nonhistorical is real; the whole purpose of the event, according to Christian faith, was to provide an historical medium for the revelation of God, who is the ultimate reality above and beyond history as well as within it.
For God to affect the course of natural events could only be an invasion of the natural sphere that would violate its laws.
For most generations the course of events does not force an end to discipleship's dreams.
It would be irrational for God to alter a state of affairs that is already perfect, and so Spinoza rejects the idea that God intervenes in the course of events or lives of individuals.
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