Sentences with phrase «course of events which»

@TomAu Quite possibly, crossing state lines in the course of events which lead to a murder would usually provide a hook for a federal crime.
Given the effects we are already seeing from the warming that has already occurred due to the GHGs we have already emitted, at this point it is very difficult for me to imagine any plausible course of events which does NOT result in the collapse of human civilization under the onslaught of AGW within a few decades at most.
This is the incestuous course of events which unfolds in Woman on the Beach, an enveloping examination of modern - day relating directed by Hong Sang - soo.
What was the course of events which gave rise to the Christian faith in the period of approximately twenty years between the death of Jesus and the writing of the earliest New Testament documents, the letters of Paul?
Almost 2,500 articles were published about the game during the course of the event which is due to the game's place in the Ubisoft and Microsoft press conferences, ICO CEO Thomas Bideaux says.
In fact, while no time and date information have been given, the company will be partnering with Qualcomm to showcase it over the course of the event which runs from February 26 through March 1.

Not exact matches

Of course, electronics are the cornerstone of promotional events like Black Friday but just as was the case with department store chains Kohl's (kss), Macy's (m), and J.C. Penney (jcp), which all reported strong Black Friday business too but weak overall Christmas sales, Target shoppers held back outside of that perioOf course, electronics are the cornerstone of promotional events like Black Friday but just as was the case with department store chains Kohl's (kss), Macy's (m), and J.C. Penney (jcp), which all reported strong Black Friday business too but weak overall Christmas sales, Target shoppers held back outside of that perioof promotional events like Black Friday but just as was the case with department store chains Kohl's (kss), Macy's (m), and J.C. Penney (jcp), which all reported strong Black Friday business too but weak overall Christmas sales, Target shoppers held back outside of that perioof that period.
«I'm really concerned that we're going to have a real collapse in Venezuela in oil production over the course of the next year,» which would in turn affect the government's ability to pay its debt, Rodriguez — who was head of the Venezuelan Congressional Budget Office from 2000 to 2004 — said at the AS / COA event.
Of course, despite a motivating crisis and the fertilizing effects of events like Startup Live, the scene faces headwinds — not all of which are unique to Greece, according to GlezoOf course, despite a motivating crisis and the fertilizing effects of events like Startup Live, the scene faces headwinds — not all of which are unique to Greece, according to Glezoof events like Startup Live, the scene faces headwinds — not all of which are unique to Greece, according to Glezoof which are unique to Greece, according to Glezos.
The demo account as well as the real account offers a variety of features which include: educational tools, videos, webinars, news events, eBooks and traders courses.
When discussing uncertainty and unexpected events, of course the US presidential election in November is top of mind, which was touched upon.
How can something be confirmed by a prophetic book, in which the events in that book have yet to take place (not that they ever will of course)?
Also, if you want to learn more about economic inequality ahead of the event (or won't be able to attend the event), Cornel West — prominent intellectual, author, and cultural critic — will teach an online course on the subject in conjunction with ChurchNext, which is open to all from January 11 - 21.
But, beyond these limitations of particulars, the general modal individualisation is limited in two ways: In the first place it is an actual course of events, which might be otherwise so far as concerns eternal possibility, but is that course.
Whitehead writes: «The spatio - temporal relationship, in terms of which the actual course of events is to be expressed, is nothing else than a selective limitation within the general systematic relationships among eternal objects.
There are, of course, simple linear narratives in which only one event takes place at a time.
The coming of the Kingdom of God is therefore not really an event in the course of time, which is due to occur sometime and toward which man can either take a definite attitude or hold himself neutral.
Of course, the evidence of Paul, at first hand, and of many others which we know about primarily through Paul (his letter to the Corinthians is considerably older and closer to the events than the earliest of the written Gospels), is open to the objection that we have no guarantee that the appearances were not hallucinationOf course, the evidence of Paul, at first hand, and of many others which we know about primarily through Paul (his letter to the Corinthians is considerably older and closer to the events than the earliest of the written Gospels), is open to the objection that we have no guarantee that the appearances were not hallucinationof Paul, at first hand, and of many others which we know about primarily through Paul (his letter to the Corinthians is considerably older and closer to the events than the earliest of the written Gospels), is open to the objection that we have no guarantee that the appearances were not hallucinationof many others which we know about primarily through Paul (his letter to the Corinthians is considerably older and closer to the events than the earliest of the written Gospels), is open to the objection that we have no guarantee that the appearances were not hallucinationof the written Gospels), is open to the objection that we have no guarantee that the appearances were not hallucinations.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation — We hold these truths to be self - evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Only someone who overlooks the fact that this answer itself has a real history which is a history of the reality reflected on as well as of the reflection itself, can think that the Church with its principles, because they too can be given concrete form, is always able to follow directly on the heels of what is new in the changing course of history and that only by its own fault and failure could the Church lag behind events in its theological reflection on morals.
Thus if «I» do something like «deciding upon a course of action,» that «deciding» is not» to be attributed to an «I» which is to be regarded as in some way distinct relatively to the actual spatiotemporal events comprising the occurrences of my life - history: it is to be attributed to those occurrences themselves.
«When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...» But the Declaration then quickly moves, in the very same sentence, to the question of by what right or by what authority such a change is to be made.
Philosophy (which means love of wisdom) I thought it wise to accept the fact that there is someone greater than I that could have made all that has happened in the natural course of events.
Whatever may have been the actual course of events, historically speaking, which the New Testament means to signify when it speaks of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is at least clear that it was the conviction of the New Testament writers, building on the testimony of the disciples after the crucifixion of Jesus — as it has been the continuing conviction of millions of Christian people since that time — that far from Jesus» being «put out of the way» by his death at the hands of the Roman authorities in Palestine, he was «let loose into the world.»
There is the new that is external, the emergence out of pragmatic history, out of the actual course of real events, of that which earlier was not, and could not have beeen anticipated.
Is there not reason for Man, become aware of the direction in which Life is taking him, to rebel at last; to go on strike against a blind course of evolution which may not, in any event, betoken any real progress?
To be in the state in which you are so at one with the will of God that you wouldn't want to alter the course of events even if you could is certainly a very high or advanced condition.
And so I in my turn, your Excellency, as one who has gone over the whole course of these events in detail, have decided to write a connected narrative for you, so as to give you authentic knowledge about the matters of which you have been informed.1
Weigel contrasts Benedict XVI's insights with those of Tony Blair... well, it's an unequal contest, of course, but the way in which Weigel brings this out, with reference to various events in recent British history (Princess Diana's death, the Iraq wars, Anglo - American relations) makes for an exciting read.
As though, in any event, there exists any force on earth capable of restraining human thought from following any course upon which it has embarked!
So after a confusing succession of events in which Abraham had sex with his wife's maid (with his wife's permission, of course) and had a kid through her and this produced a ton of family strife and Abraham was nervous God's promise would not be fulfilled, Abraham and Sarah (though both nearing one hundred years old) had a kid name Isaac because God promised that this would happen.
First, there»... is an actual course of events, which might be otherwise so far as concerns eternal possibility, but is that course
In Islamic terminology a miracle is most often defined as a fact contrary to general rules, opposed to the normal course of events, with a cause which escapes human comprehension; and this fact is also a challenge to anyone who doubts it.
They purport to be accounts of some events which happened in the remote past, and, of course, were intended and for the most part received as such, quite literally and naïvely.
Texts would solve this if (a) there were extant texts for all historical events, which there obviously are not and (b) those texts that do exist were guaranteed to be the true, the whole truth and nothing but the, and this of course is also not even close to being the case.
The eventual «celebration» will be a lovely and, needless to say «life - affirming» event to which everyone is invited — except, of course, the one who has died.
When this world began to become more complex, pluralistic and morally ambiguous and it also became clear that influences other than those which could easily be understood on Main Street decided the course of events, both the old teachings and the institutions that taught them began to seem less relevant.
12 Of course, this mention of a physically relevant concept of simultaneity is meant to distinguish it from the intuitive sense that often pops up in the early work (e.g., PNK 184, which refers to»... the apparent character of an event simultaneous with our percipient event...»Of course, this mention of a physically relevant concept of simultaneity is meant to distinguish it from the intuitive sense that often pops up in the early work (e.g., PNK 184, which refers to»... the apparent character of an event simultaneous with our percipient event...»of a physically relevant concept of simultaneity is meant to distinguish it from the intuitive sense that often pops up in the early work (e.g., PNK 184, which refers to»... the apparent character of an event simultaneous with our percipient event...»of simultaneity is meant to distinguish it from the intuitive sense that often pops up in the early work (e.g., PNK 184, which refers to»... the apparent character of an event simultaneous with our percipient event...»of an event simultaneous with our percipient event...»)
He holds that meaningful interpretation of the course of events is possible only by a pre-apprehension of the fulfilling outcome toward which they move.
There is the new that is external: a new situation which emerges out of pragmatic history, out of the actual course of real events and which could not have been anticipated.
If contingency is real in the nature of things, and if human beings are free to make selective choices which fix the future course of events, God's power can not be unlimited and his knowledge can not be complete.
Using these as an explanation would only risk doing what John Dewey urged us to renounce — the kind of pseudo-explanation that «only abstracts some aspect of the existing course of events in order to reduplicate it as a petrified eternal principle by which to explain the very changes of which it is the formalization» (4:11).
Until then, apparently, it had not occurred to him that these superior people might like to come; but of course they might hear about the event from Father Braun, so he added after the signature a further note which speaks volumes about the social stratification in little Eisenach:
Obviously the actual course of events was very complex, with political power struggles becoming deeply mixed with doctrinal ones, different councils coming to conflicting conclusions, and further councils needing to decide which earlier councils to follow.
We have recognized in the Bible a passage of history punctuated by a series of crises in which the Word of God came to men, and visibly altered the course of events.
Of course, there is always the possibility that Luke had only kept a diary of the events which occurred while he was with Paul, and that someone may have had access to this, as well as to other materials, when he sat down to writOf course, there is always the possibility that Luke had only kept a diary of the events which occurred while he was with Paul, and that someone may have had access to this, as well as to other materials, when he sat down to writof the events which occurred while he was with Paul, and that someone may have had access to this, as well as to other materials, when he sat down to write.
Purely formal evaluations of the meaning of an event or a person in the immediate historical sequence are of course necessary; but a judgment of value depends upon a point of view which the writer imports into the history and by which he measures the historica1 phenomena.
To celebrate the book release we've organised lots of events all over the UK so that I can meet lots of you, answer all your questions in a Q&A and of course sign your books, which will be so much fun.
The event, which features four main courses as well as hors d'oeuvres and dessert all accompanied by a variety of regular and special brews, is sold out.
When told about the resort's Best of Mexico Riviera Maya which brings together five of the best Mexican chefs — Zahie Téllez, Carlos Gaytan, Francisco Ruano, Mikel Alonso and Ricardo de la Vega — next month for a 10 - course tasting menu complimentary for resort guests, Prochasson applauded the Vela family for offering this world class event showcasing Mexican cuisine.
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