Sentences with phrase «course of one's pregnancy»

While it could be the normal course of your pregnancy, it could possibly be a sign of something much worse.
Your baby is in a constant state of growth and development over the entire course of your pregnancy.
So we're starting with a group of women who are already nervous, probably overloaded with information (my living room was a veritable obstacle course of pregnancy and parenting books), and the host of a ton of pesky hormones that make us cry at something as innocuous as a rerun of Saved by the Bell.
This resource centre has been organized to follow the natural course of pregnancy and baby development, from preconception through the first year of life.
(with multiple citations) Moreover, in the 1993 study titled «Breastfeeding During Pregnancy» conducted by Moscone and Moore and reported in the Journal of Human Lactation found that, «breastfeeding does not appear to adversely affect the course of pregnancy
If you had a breast reduction surgery or your baby was delivered prematurely before completing the course of pregnancy, you might be facing problems in latching on and milk yield.
The content, as well as the taste of breast milk, will change throughout the course of the pregnancy.
Research shows that more than one - quarter of women report falling at least once during the course of their pregnancy.
During the course of your pregnancy, your child's birth, or their young life, there may be instances in which you choose to go against certain medical advice in the best interests of you and / or your child.
Your pain may also lessen earlier or later in the course of your pregnancy.
Perhaps most important of all, the Belly Rest is adjustable — as your belly grows over the course of your pregnancy, you can easily increase the distance between the two pillows to accommodate it.
I had two midwives attend my birth, one of whom I had gotten to know personally during the course of my pregnancy.
Healthy women will gain at least 25 pounds over the course of their pregnancy, so it's no surprise that stretch marks (and a sore back) are common.
The surrogate plays such a critical role in the health and well being of the intended parents» baby that it is crucial that she voice any health concerns that she might develop over the course of the pregnancy.
Unless you have any medical conditions or pregnancy complications, you can opt to have less tests and treatments during the course of your pregnancy.
Swelling in the feet are very common and might result in you going up a shoe size for the course of your pregnancy.
As a guideline, a woman of average height should gain no more than 15 - 30 pounds during the course of her pregnancy.
It is normal for women to gain 15 - 30 pounds over the course of their pregnancy.
We obtained clinical data regarding respondents» course of pregnancy and labor from the medical records and birth registration forms that were filled out by the midwives and obstetricians.
The aim of our study was to explore whether the initial preferred place of birth at the onset of pregnancy — i.e. home or hospital - and model of care — i.e. midwife - led care or obstetrician - led care — are associated with differences in the course of pregnancy, intrapartum interventions, and birth outcomes in low risk nulliparous women in the Netherlands.
Our study demonstrates significant differences in the course of pregnancy and labor in relation to preferred place of birth, as showed by the fewest number of diagnosed medical indications during pregnancy and the fewest intrapartum interventions among women who preferred a home birth.
The aim of our study was to explore whether the initial preferred place of birth at the onset of pregnancy and model of care are associated with differences in the course of pregnancy and intrapartum interventions and birth outcomes.
Little is known about the influence of these early preferences on the course of pregnancy, labor, and childbirth.
A main advantage of our study is its prospective design, which enables us to explore the association between preferred place of birth and the course of both pregnancy and childbirth.
Your body went through profound changes during the course of your pregnancy.
This paper describes the resulting development and testing of a new scale to assess women's autonomy and role in decision making throughout the course of pregnancy.
It's generally recommended that you gain around 26 - 35 pounds during the course of your pregnancy, and consume only an extra of 300 calories more than your usual healthy diet.
Often, during the course of her pregnancy, she has days when she'd just rather not be bothered, or she's feeling off, or fat, or clumsy, or in a foul mood.
Work for a pregnant woman may change during the course of her pregnancy, especially if her work is physical.
Something as simple as drinking water can change the course of your pregnancy, so bottoms up!
Abstain from eating or drinking products that contain caffeine throughout the course of your pregnancy.
Depending upon the type of clothing you want to wear, and how your body transforms over the course of your pregnancy, you may find yourself wearing regular clothes, or opting for some of the great styles available in maternity clothing.
The smell of certain foods and substances may bring on a bout of nausea or vomiting throughout the course of the pregnancy.
Your breastfeeding child may wean on his own during the course of your pregnancy due to the drop in supply and change in the taste of your milk as it transitions to colostrum during the last few months.
Course of pregnancy on the 39th week one of the most heartrending and tiresome experiences for young mother.
Broken out over the course of your pregnancy, that means 2 - 4 pounds during the first trimester and 1 pound a day from there on out.
Considering the possibility of this danger during the course of pregnancy, each woman should be very responsible about it.
Over the course of the pregnancy, your breasts could increase by as many as four cup sizes.
However, I am not sure that a hospital ban on a procedure endorsed by ACOG is entirely appropriate, especially given that it is the natural course of pregnancy.
We're willing to bet that whatever clothes mom had before she became preggy, at least half of it will become increasingly uncomfortable throughout the course of the pregnancy!
Your body goes through extensive changes over the course of your pregnancy — particularly the pelvis that houses, supports & eventually births your baby.
As a perinatal psychologist, Dr Diane S Speier has studied how birth transforms a woman from the inside out over the course of her pregnancy, especially with her first one.
I can not thank you enough for your advice over the course of my pregnancy.
Before reading Kimberly Ann Johnson's newly released book, The Fourth Trimester, I was under the impression that there are only three trimesters that exist during the course of a pregnancy.
So whether you've been big - breasted since middle school or have gone from flat to overflowing over the course of your pregnancy, below are the best five values available today.
Your doula is available by phone from the moment you hire Lancaster Doulas to answer questions or address any concerns that might arise during the course of your pregnancy.
Her system likely became accustomed to a relatively high level of maternal estrogen during the course of the pregnancy.
3) The relationship you develop with your midwife over the course of your pregnancy can be very close and personal.
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