Sentences with phrase «course of the book»

Today, my first course of book production has been released.
This past week has taken me off my originally mapped - out course of our book writing project.
In the whole course of the book we can catch hardly a distant echo of the sermon on the Mount... From the Revelation it could never have been gathered that Jesus was compassionate, that he healed the sick and encouraged the helpless and outcast and bore our infirmities, that he was meek and lowly of heart... As we know him from this book, Christ is a great but terrible figure, righteous but implacable, the champion of his people, but breathing destruction on his enemies.»
Over the course of the book, Berry also introduces us to several important, but lesser - known writers, including Harry Caudill, Liberty Hyde Bailey and Wallace Stegner.
A number of excellent insights emerge over the course of the book.
In the course of his book, each author places the agency firmly with the human.
We shall be exploring in the course of the book the religious substructure of these expectations and the distortions and perversions to which they are subject.
He repeats this type of annotation several times over the course of his book.
As a result of facing such serious dilemmas, the characters must actively move from lower - level to higher - level reasoning over the course of the book.
You should treat «System 1» and «System 2» as nicknames, like Bob and Joe, identifying characters that you will get to know over the course of this book.
All of this comes together for Control over the course of the book and right up to a blazing finale, in which everything builds steam right up to the last page.
During the course of my book research I ran into Nancy and asked what that fight was about.
Teachers can model the thought processes that accompany reading by talking about how the main character changes through the course of the book, about the author's use of language, and about surprises and disappointments they encounter as they read.
We learn in the course of the book a good deal more about the available record.
Over the course of the book, you'll meet the Navy's Top Gun pilots, a violinist so skilled that when a string breaks during a performance he simply completes the piece on the remaining strings, and the eccentric Hungarian psychologist who was so confident in his theory of genius that he sought a wife who would collaborate with him in raising a child to be a chess prodigy (it worked).
Over the course of the book, we break down the most critical actions leaders and teachers must enact to achieve exemplary results.
For authors and publishers with deep pockets — specifically, for those authors who have more money than available time — it might very well be a reasonable investment to engage a news clipping service during the course of a book promotion campaign that includes print media outreach.
The content and course of the book in the market place is being returned to the control of the author to decide upon — and not the corporate bean - counters who have counted too long on formulated publishing to produce the over projected profit.
What did you think about the way Brian and Heather's relationship evolved over the course of the book, and in particular during the medical ordeals they faced?
Did your feelings about him change over the course of the book, and if so, how?
Over the course of Book Two, why does the Count decide to throw himself from the roof of the Metropol?
What occurs over the course of Book Four to lead him to this decision?
How does his pursuit of the story change Mischa's own life and way of thinking over the course of the book?
She comes to realize through the course of the book that her initial pursuits were somewhat shallow.
My feelings toward Quinn grew over the course of the book.
Over the course of the book, the role of women didn't change, however Victoria set in motion a new look at what a woman could accomplish.
• How does Lupita change over the course of the book?
That's why authors so frequently also engage the services of an independent book promotion specialist, and why they so often regard that working relationship as a partnership and participate in promoting their own books during the course of a book promotion campaign.
The most important thing for me was making her voice grow over the course of the book.
How do you think Linda feels about the lie, and do you think her opinion of Lily changes over the course of the book?
There is plenty of action, but the fully developed characters, who age from approximately 12 to 20 over the course of the book, are the engine by which this expansive story works.
(p. 8) Over the course of the book, our protagonist is called Linda, Mattie, the Teenager, CEO, Girl Scout, the Fool,...
Also, the author - name thing makes it creepy that they have «off - page» sex about 40 times during the course of this book.
In the course of the book, she grows even as she starves, and it really speaks a great deal about human endurance in a time of trial.
In fact, I never remembered their names during the course of the book, I had to look them up for purposes of writing this review.
This book is not only about Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland, but about the women they represented — and the changing attitudes toward women which they helped bring about: In the course of the book, a portrait of the All - American Girl as popularized in the late 19th century emerges, a plucky, attractive, independent spirit, ready to take on new challenges, but always careful to retain a strong aura of femininity (William Y).
Of course, she matures during the course of the book, and even the awful Teri gains new dimensions.
How does their relationship change over the course of the book, and what causes these changes?
This is a landmark development in the course of book marketing as never before have books been afforded the opportunity for so much exposure.
Without giving anything away, I'll say that the reader's understanding of who the real goon is accrues over the course of the book in much the way that my own comprehension of life's extreme brevity has overtaken me as I've pushed into my forties.
Whether such an ambitious premise can be sustained through the course of the book remains to be seen, but Hattemer - Higgins sets a fairy tale tone in the novel's evocative opening.
During the course of the book, many of the characters try to teach Oscar many things — especially Yunior, who tries to teach him how to lose weight, how to attract women, how to behave in social situations.
Through the course of the book I learned about the history of Paris from 1830 through 1900 and the American artists, architects, sculptors, writers, and physicians who studied and worked in Paris during that time.
Then came faxes, and then came emails, and suddenly, book publicists could go back to lukewarm (or just plain uninterested) producers and reporters and pitch different stories during the course of a book publicity campaign.
Juralumin got one of the hands down best scenes in the book, Yotsuba has some great physical comedy with an exercise ball, and Azuma nails some really nice things over the course of the book.
He is also the author of The Third Circle System, which is a course of books designed around leadership fundamentals and entrepreneurship training.
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