Sentences with phrase «course of the exhibition»

The group worked with artists and designers; Eilis Searson, Amber Jones, Racheal Crowther and Samara Scott to design and produce a range of T - shirts, bags, wallpaper and trainers throughout the show, transforming the gallery space over course of the exhibition.
It sits facing the aluminium mould from which it was cast and will slowly disintegrate over the three - month course of the exhibition.
Art Bin will gradually fill up over the six week course of the exhibition to create» a monument to creative failure».
The grand finale of the exhibit is The Obliteration Room, an all white space that visitors are invited to cover with colored polka dot stickers, transforming it over the course of the exhibition.
The sculptures on view will continue changing over the course of the exhibition's run, and will be accompanied by a video Canell made with Robin Watkins about slugs.
This scheme highlights the fragility of an outmoded cinematic material, which wears and frays as it is projected over the course of the exhibition period, mimicking the cyclically endless nature of civilizations» periods of growth and decline, and also the artist's fascination in objects that are at once obsolete and eternal.
The Truth Is I See You is on view in Brooklyn, 4 August 2015 — 3 June 2016, and The Truth Booth will visit four times during the course of the exhibition.
What is never made clear during the course of the exhibition is why Close has spent thirty years painting heads.
The dye will saturate, run, and dry over the course of the exhibition — eventually turning the white felt from pale blue to almost black — transforming the material into a colossal color field painting, a rolling mountain landscape, or even the hump of a whale.
A small hole in the lowest part of the sculpture allows the salt to escape and slowly pile up on the floor during the course of the exhibition.
Over the course of the exhibition, the blank white space of the New Museum's Fourth Floor gallery will be transformed through the gradual accumulation of drawings and paintings by Museum visitors and a wide array of invited community organizations.
During the course of the exhibition, there will be an extensive program of activities organized by artist Sarkis that complement the works on display.
During the course of an exhibition, the materials undergo changes similar to the constantly evolving nature of culture over time.
The value of the artwork, displayed in brightly lit numbers, will change continually over the course of the exhibition.
The painting was vandalised during the course of the exhibition, but after being repaired it was returned to the Royal Academy for the remainder of the show.
Every Thursday at 17.00 — 18.45 during the course of the exhibition (10 February — 14 May) Murakami's debut feature film Jellyfish Eyes (2013) will be screened at the museum.
To chronicle these controversies, Craycroft has transformed the Fifth Floor Gallery into a site for producing an animated film, which she will develop over the course of the exhibition; visitors physically enter the stage where Craycroft shoots new footage every week for the duration of the residency.
The artist sometimes rehangs things in the course of an exhibition, adding to their modesty, their transience, and their function as objects within an installation.
In the installation, Charon's transparent oar contains a live soldier harvester ant farm in NASA designed acrylic gel, serving as their habitat and sustenance for their 3 - 6 month lifecycle; an ant tunnel «drawing» that is creating a network as the ants eat and burrow through the gel over the course of the exhibition.
At a time when we are immersed in a cacophony of media images and sounds, and live in a climate of anxiety often provoked by invisible and abstract adversaries, the four fundamental expressive art forms — painting, sculpture, installation and performance — are amalgamated over the course of the exhibition, with contributions from Philippe Parreno, Adel Abdessemed, Roni Horn, David Hammons, Mark Grotjahn, Marlene Dumas and many more.
Musiqa returns with their popular Loft Concerts at CAMH and will present three concerts over the course of the exhibition exploring the concept of abstraction in music.
Over the course of the exhibition period, the Painting Gallery panels will rotate three times to present paintings selected by the artist.
In order to present the exhibition's scope and diversity the Foundation will rotate artworks on view throughout the course of the exhibition, presenting different artists at different times.
Lee's projects are often open - ended scenarios for everyday interaction, and take on different forms with the involvement of participants and change during the course of an exhibition.
Born in Spain and raised in Puerto Rico, he's currently engaged in building what he calls a «still life» of Art Basel Miami Beach in the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, assembling the work over the course of the exhibition, titled `' La Bella Crisis,» using found materials.
The show will change with new works being added during the course of the exhibition.
Furthermore, the exhibition gallery will double as an interactive events space dedicated to public discussions that will be recorded and broadcast online throughout the course of the exhibition, pushing beyond the boundaries of the physical gallery space.
You are welcome during regular gallery hours (Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00 am — 6:00 pm) to view Swann's paintings — either for the first time, or to discover the changes that have taken place in the work over the course of the exhibition.
This salon - style presentation will also include one wall that will change over the course of the exhibition.
And will evolve during the course of the exhibition, augmented with a variety of programmed events, unscripted installations and embryonic film screenings.
Over the course of the exhibition, performances by Beasley and invited guests will occur in the space, with a live recording made on the reels.
In the course of the exhibition, Coucou Bazar comes to live each Wednesday and Sunday, when two of the work's figures are animated by performers.
Over the course of the exhibition, this space will play host to a series of film evenings programmed by Raven.
This Q&A, which also includes a drawing component, will be made available to students and children throughout the course of the exhibition, with the aim to expose new ways of engaging and creating dialogue with art.
Patton continues his interest in the body, its relation to material, the notion of abstraction (specifically related to queerness), and the phenomenological with Come Play With (in) Me, a partial - room environment that will evolve throughout the course of the exhibition, culminating in a closing party on May 20.
As one follows the course of the exhibition, the paintings become increasingly dry, cartoonish, and less fraught with (as Greenberg had it) terribilità.
Farmer is known internationally for his projects that transform and alter over the course of their exhibitions.
Over the course of the exhibition what began as a pristine white installation will transform into an amalgam of used exhibition furniture.
During the course of the exhibition, Bracha L. Ettinger will offer a 3 - week graduate - level seminar, entitled «Memory's Wound Is a Space With - in: Depth - space and Carriance beyond Abstraction versus Empathy.»
During the course of the exhibition Shonibare will also be participating in Alien Nation at the ICA, London (17 November 2006 - 14 January 2007).
Among many other resources, the website contains video documentation of some of the extraordinary programs that took place over the course of the exhibition.
These are just a few of the threads that weave in and out of this exhibition, and many more will emerge over the course of the exhibition.
In the first - floor galleries Writing, Rooms, an informal residency programme for fiction writers, sees Mira Mattar, and a collaboration between Natasha Soobramanien and Luke Williams, working on their own projects throughout the course of the exhibition.
For Espace Louis Vuitton München, Boltanski presents the films in conjunction with a flower bed and grey, crumpled papers, which evolve with the passage of time and people over the course of the exhibition.
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