Sentences with phrase «course on»

The weary pastor might stop juggling and offer a refresher course on the meaning of apocalypse, which, though it comes from the depths of human desperation, is meant to bring us hope.
When a society or a nation tries to direct its course on the basis of aggressive self - interest, denial of the rights and liberties of others, economic greed, lust for power, race prejudice, vindictiveness, and deception, situations are created which if unchecked lead to war.
In 1974 I was invited to teach a course on process thought at the University of San Francisco.
Maybe it would do you some good to enroll in a course on analytical thinking.
Of course on threads about Christianity you will rip it but then you will defend obama's Christianity.
«Susanne K. Langer's Notes on Whitehead's Course on Philosophy of Nature.»
as humans learn more intricate sciences and venture out into space, religion will become a mythology taught to children as «when the world was full of hate» or as a course on «how to start wars»
I have taught a course on Catholic Social Teaching twice now, but the ideas my students and I discussed have taken on new life in the midst of a community that is embodying these ideas in its very practice.
Using current examples from TV, teach a course on one of the following: news, children's programming, how to view TV, sexuality, or violence.
A University of Washington task force on ethnicity declined to confer ethnic group status on Jews or on Italian and Irish - Americans, and it excluded anti-Semitism from a required course on racism in America because «anti-Semitism is not institutionalized in this country.»
I think Chapter 7 and excerpts from Chapters 8 and 9 should be required reading for college students taking a survey course on US History in the 1900s.
That's why I'm teaching the online course on the Gospel... to carefully explain the freeness of grace and the role of good works and obedience in light of the gospel.
As I point out in my online course on the Gospel, good works are essential in the life of the believer for many things.
(To see some quotes from people who believe and teach this, check out the lesson «Good Works Can not Prove Eternal Life» in my online course on the Gospel.)
As for the current developments at Fordham Law School, notice should be taken of recent gains, such as the hiring of Gene Harper to teach a course on natural law.
Not at all, but here I am looking for a job to pay off the financial debt I made thinking I am sort of called, to eventually f (o) und family, and going starting tomorrow on a full - time two week course on how to write job applications, so me explaining the sinfullness of suicide, and regarding many persons on this planet me motivating them to endure whatever crappy situation (often for profit and / or gain of someone else) even tho they would be better off leaving such situation / s if possible (kind of Moses), seems rather pointless.
He might have offended his critics less if he had more often used the analogy he gave James G. Blaine when explaining his course on Reconstruction: â $ ˜The pilots on our Western rivers steer from point to point as they call itâ $» setting the course of the boat no further than they can see; and that is all I propose to myself in this great problem.â $ ™ â $ œBoth statements suggest Lincolnâ $ ™ s reluctance to take the initiative and make bold plans; he preferred to respond to the actions of others.
The oppressed are of course on the way towards world consciousness, but the sufficiently general vision to achieve the unselfish act escapes them.
Better yet, sign up to take my free online course on the church.
Brickner says the organization contacts Jews through the mail, offering a course on Christianity that takes people step by step, depending upon their interest.
Natalie Heimel and Ed Mallue Jr. are two Army captains whose planned wedding on the gorgeous golf course on Marine Corps Base Hawaii got suddenly bumped by a game of...
I also have a new Online course on the gospel in which I teach a lot about grace.
Years later, provoked by various experiences to examine some cherished assumptions, I prepared a course on religion and the state and, for a book I was writing, read widely in American religious history.
Please take a course on reading comprehension and maybe a debate class or two.
A congregation may offer an occasional course on sexuality for teens, adults, or both, but the issue is more than whether members would attend classes to learn about their sexuality.
My department has been facilitating a new marriage preparation course on the innovative «Engage» programme from the Pastoral Matrimonial Renewal Centre, Australia.
Wagner and Wimber co-taught the course that was described by the President of Fuller for 30 years, the late David Hubbard, as the most popular and also the most disruptive course on Fuller's campus.
In that case it is hard to see why such a created entity, communicated to the faculty of the finite being, could not lastingly belong to it, and why, therefore, we may not consider as conceivable the very thing that defenders of physical premotion attack as metaphysically meaningless, namely, that a faculty or power, understood to be an active power, could bring itself from potency to act, of itself, of course on the basis of conservatio and concursus, which latter, however, would not create some intermediary between potency and act but simply posit potency and act.
I plan on beginning with a course on the gospel, with a special emphasis on the relationship between faith and works.
A friend who has been teaching a course on constitutional law for a couple of decades and has achieved a national reputation confided recently that he plans to stop teaching the course; there just isn't any integrity to the subject, and it becomes almost a degrading experience to have to teach, say, equal protection doctrine and pretend that the Court's decisions are the product of any sort of coherent thinking.
A few years later, I decided to do a refresher course on Greek, and took first - year Greek from the Grace Evangelical School of Theology.
Plus: Malaysia changes course on Shari'ah courts, remembering Tammy Faye, a church is attacked by Christian terrorists, and other stories from online sources around the world.
For example, it is committed to requiring course on business ethics of all students.
I'd probably flunk his course on biblical manhood and womanhood.
Anyway, let me get your thoughts on the subject in the comment section below, and if you want to learn more about how the gospel truth that Jesus is God fits in with the offer of eternal life through Jesus, take my online course on the gospel:
«White theologians didn't say anything about lynching,» Cone said from his office at Union Theological Seminary in New York, where he teaches a course on Niebuhr.
Actually, this is a requirement in my course on «Theology and the Christian Life in the Early Church.».
My own introduction to the thought of Karl Barth took place in an undergraduate course on «contemporary» theology.
For one, there was an affectionate puff piece in the NYT, a fine introduction to the man, and of course on Tuesday I drove over the hill for my bi-monthly fill of....
cit., p. 308, from a course on the Tao Tech» ting which Buber gave at Ascona in the summer of 1924 [my translation].)
It has taken some time for seminaries to comprehend Underhill's ideas, and many have not yet done more than present a course on prayer, monasticism or spiritual discipline once every few years.
Luther's second course on the Psalms.
We asked whether their schools offer a course on theology and science (a sign to us that «dialogue» was acceptable), and we asked what was «the most important or appropriate way that theology meets science.»
How does a course on work and economic justice inform ministries with non-English speaking refugees trapped in sweatshops, or with prostitutes, or with single mothers, or with bank executives?
I recommend you start with N. T. Wright's course on Galatians, but he has others there as well (such an online course on the Gospel and another on Philippians).
Instead, he has based his course on an understanding of happiness derived from psychologist Martin Seligman's three-fold definition.
I am going to start with a course on the Gospel.
I know someone who took an in - depth course on it and still doesn't understand it.
Each year at Oregon State, part of my teaching load is an introductory level course on the Bible.
It is this latter consequence of the third and fourth waves that interests me, because out of HTB came the tenweek course on exploring faith known as Alpha.
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