Sentences with phrase «course validation questions»

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During the course, we'll ask you personal validation questions so we know it's you.
Throughout the course they will also make you answer ten personal validation questions (these are to ensure that it's you taking the course, and not someone taking it for you), and missing more than three of these will automatically fail you out of the course as well.
TEA regulations state that if you incorrectly answer more than 3 out 10 of the personal validation questions, you fail the course.
Per Texas Education Agency regulations, if you incorrectly answer 4 of these Personal Validation Questions you will be removed from the course, and your registration will be cancelled.
Using the Driver's License # and License Plate # you enter during registration, we obtain information from those TPV sources, and use it to ask you random Personal Validation Questions throughout the course.
Per state requirements, you must answer at least 70 % of the validation questions correctly to receive credit for the course.
«Personal Identity Validation questions» are used to help fulfill the DMV requirement that the person completing a traffic school course is the driver who was issued the citation.
In addition, the Alternative Delivery Method shall ask a minimum of 10 personal validation questions throughout the course, and it would be wise to have more than 10 questions in your test bank of personal validation questions.
Because the DMV requires that we verify student identity, you'll be asked «personal validation questions» before you start the course.
If you fail to answer three (3) validation questions correctly, you will then be required to use voice biometrics to verify your identity for the remainder of the course.
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