Sentences with phrase «court cases»

Rather, the syndrome describes a type of behavior at issue in some court cases and has lead proponents to call for further study and research.
This recognition can have substantial practical consequences, for example whether or not treatment is reimbursed by insurance or in determining outcomes in court cases.
They summarize news articles, court cases and other resources that help fathers learn more about their rights and responsibilities in the family legal system
July 13 — Former England captain John Terry was cleared of racial abuse today as one of the highest profile court cases involving a globally recognised sportsman reached its conclusion after five days of evidence.
The reason the rules are being changed is in no small part due to them being illegal and no less than 15 court cases (mostly linked to Dupont) currently being heard in the court of first instance.
Mr Cassidy: «As you would know, we have had a number of problems with section 46 arising out of a number of High Court cases where the law was not clarified until 2007.
There are no real winners from court cases such as this and it is important our industry works collaboratively to avoid a repeat of this situation.
And five years later, we are still waiting for any court cases.
Companies with fewer than 50 employees are not likely to be subject to federal laws that govern how employers handle leave for family and medical reasons, bereavement, military leave, jury duty, court cases and voting.
Small claims court cases are much cheaper than superior court cases for both the plaintiff (the person doing the suing) and the defendant (the person being sued) because the parties are not allowed to have any attorneys represent them and other rules that simplify the lawsuit process, making the whole thing much cheaper, faster, and easier.
While court cases over public menorot grab headlines, the deeper and more widespread church - state concerns of American Jews involve the place of religion in public schools.
The Act barred both free and enslaved blacks from the rights of citizenship, laid the foundation for the 1857 Dred Scott Decision, and triggered more than a century of Supreme Court cases like Takao Ozawa v. United States (1922), where Ozawa argued that as a Japanese man, he was white.
We need to hurry up with these court cases so that this one can get married in whatever state he lands a pro job in... [youtube =]
Central to this drama are two Supreme Court cases: Engle v. Vitale (1962), in which the Court decided that government - directed prayer in public schools was an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause; and Abington v. Schempp (1963), which declared unconstitutional a Pennsylvania statute that provided for compulsory Bible reading in public classrooms.
So in the wake of the Supreme Court cases, which have many people up in arms on all sides of the issue, let's remember the witness of Jesus that announces no one is excluded from God's radical grace.
Moreover, some of those court cases may make it to the SCOTUS, and they'll take another look, or not, depending upon the case.
Their two reasonable and constructive essays are supplemented by readings from other American thinkers on the nature of church - state relations and a small selection of relevant court cases.
NCCLitself campaigned to reduce the age of consent in the United Kingdom and argued that court cases could do more damage than the acts themselves, arguing that «childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage».
Central Christian moral teachings, especially those on love, marriage, and family life, are under constant attack and recent court cases in Britain have established that it is increasingly difficult for Christians to live and work according to their consciences.
There have been court cases and rulings where in some cases organizations (such as corporations or churches), can be treated as individuals, but it is not a unilateral definition, they are not the same thing.
Highly publicized reactions to science and social science on the part of religious conservatives, as evidenced by lawsuits concerning the teaching of evolution in public schools and court cases challenging the influence of «secular humanism» on school textbooks, suggest that Habermas's forces of «secular rationality» have by no means carried the day.
And after viewing depictions of sexual violence, subjects in simulated court cases are more likely to blame victims and less likely to convict offenders.
The sufficient condition, the triggering cause, has been the highly visible string of court cases from Quinlan in 1976 to Cruzan in 1990.
You can go to the Freedom From Religion Foundation website and take a bible quiz, a church state quiz, see what's going on in the court cases against the religious.
### More Perfect From RadioLab, this show looks at how individual Supreme Court cases are still shaping cultural values.
A major part of the problem is that though Immanuel Kant wrote about dignity in the 18th century and the word was in use even earlier, strong efforts to elucidate and work with it have not been made (as have been made for, say, the notion of human rights, the subject of innumerable books, essays and court cases).
I have experienced my own share of violent threats for being a woman online: one needn't exercise much speculation to understand why these women would shy away from public court cases or lawsuits or accusations.
It was as true prior to those two crucial Supreme Court cases as it is now that the fundamental question regarding capital punishment is not what murderers have done or deserve.
We have writings and court cases from Rome of that time.
we send people to death chambers based on reason, deductively and inductively, and ponder evidence that is often extremely unclear and formulate an opinion of truth or in court cases beyond a reasonable doubt.
Once the family broke the gag order and got some national coverage there was huge outcry from first amendment lawyers about the illegality of that order, and also others speaking out about having been legally gagged in court cases with big power differential.
It requires more government departments (the DEA), more police, more court cases, more social services (because you have to do something with the children of the parents you arrest), and more prisons with all the staff required to run them.
The recent wave of school - board hearings, legislative bills and court cases suggests that literalism is a persistent phenomenon.
Yet there have been too many Christians fired or sued, and too many negative court cases and laws, to miss a clear trend.
The political use of Hindutva has survived several court cases, most notably a major one in 1995 brought by those who felt that its allure was primarily religious in nature and hence violated India's constitution, which prohibits candidates from appealing to voters exclusively on religious grounds.
According to the Becket Fund, the contraception mandate has resulted in 56 court cases with 140 plaintiffs.
It will be interesting to see how these court cases play out... but no matter what happens, we expect to see more vitriol from all sides of the debate...
Tony Jones» and Julie McMahon's court cases have gone from 2008 — 2014.
When we seek instead to «pay something back to the victims and bring them closure,» we are doing a justice either lower (as in civil - court cases) or higher (as in repaying blood with blood)» but, in any case, something that should not be a model for how we deal with criminals.
This kind of thread is important because it is freeing, it shines light, it makes that which is already public (court cases, conferences, etc.) into a really open discussion that really does matter.
And the length of the court cases (5 years, including a secondary case and an appeal) certainly seemed incompatible with the reluctance (or was that disillusionment?)
A long line of Supreme Court cases holds that states must pay unemployment compensation to employees who lose their jobs because of their religious beliefs.
Michael W. McConnell is assistant professor of law and the University of Chicago Law School and a frequent litigator in Supreme Court cases involving church and state.
Gorsuch was similarly vague in answering questions about other Supreme Court cases, saying that to discuss his opinion publicly would «be tipping [his] hand.»
A few examples, taken from recent Supreme Court cases, illustrate this point.
There have been court cases involving Jehovah's Witnesses forever, and they normally win.
Nonetheless, court cases may drag on for years, as is now happening with the diocese of Dallas.
If you were to utilize these tools in order to research the court cases that took prayer out of schools, you would find that the major court cases were brought forth by Catholics, Mormons and Jews.
(See the Humansist Manifestos 1 and 2 and at east two US Supreme Court cases.)
Joseph Smith was never known to be a liar, and in fact, all court cases point out that those who brought him to trial were the prevaricators.
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