Sentences with phrase «court disaster»

2006 Susan Richmond, Art Papers, July / August 2006, p. 53, exhibition review of Courting Disaster, photo of Landcruiser.
If you answer «yes» to more than 3 of these questions, you are courting disaster in your marriage by being in an emotional affair.
To continue merely on the basis of an abstract individual contracting with other individuals would he to court disaster [We Talk, You Listen (Macmillan, 1970) p. 52].
In Britain most of the debate around risk has ignored food and fuel in favour of finance: reducing high levels of borrowing by households and the government and finding ways to stop banks from courting another disaster.
«Something like this is so beneficial to DINKs — not everyone can pull this one off without courting disaster because of the spending requirements,» Ridout says.
Somewhere in the cabin I hear my friend courting disaster.
In reality, a demand for complete certainty is the last excuse of those who court disaster by being unwilling to act, as the military knows all too well.
I'm not talking about courting disaster, à la Amy Winehouse, or inviting disaster by living on a known flood plain or hurricane alley, but a simple flirtation, something that gets the adrenalin flowing, the energy levels up, and you feel like you can do anything.
Traveling very dangerous routes can be seen as courting disaster for its own sake, and public transportation in some countries doesn't come with the same safety standards that travelers expect to find in the U.S.
But in doing this while not criticizing what industry is doing, you are courting disaster for yourself by alienating not only your core support but those in the middle, who, while disenchanted with the BC Liberals but unsure of where you stand, could well just stay home.
If you answer «yes» to more than 3 of these questions, you are courting disaster in your marriage by being in an emotional affair.
If a leader can not listen to contrary opinions and make informed decisions based on a full range of views, then he / she courts disaster — as Rumsfeld did in Iraq.
UPDATE: Via email, coin supporter Paul Krugman gives his take: «So, are they planning moral obligation coupons / scrip, are they willing to court disaster, or are they just hopeless negotiators?
Yet to replicate the Lord's Supper on a weekly basis just as it is now celebrated monthly would be to court disaster.
But to take it in faith without using our heads is to court disaster.
Brutus decided in the second half of Ohio State's win over Loyola (Md.) to completely make up for the off - the - court disaster that was Net - Repair Guy by busting out this little diddy on the sidelines:
Her aggressive play on every hole and ability to hit momentous shots from any position made her the most exciting member of the foursome; she was either courting disaster or doing something spectacular at every turn.
The education policy component of the so - called «Opportunity Agenda, Uptown» enunciated by Governor Cuomo, in of all places, the Malcom X / Shabazz Center, is only an opportunity to court disaster.
As the Deepwater Horizon oil spill proved, allowing drilling technology to outpace the development of sound safeguards is courting disaster.
Most everyone on Earth has lost a loved one to cancer or some other horrible disease, myself included multiple times over, so any movie that declares it, and it alone, intends to «tell the truth» about terminally - ill cancer kids is courting disaster.
To deny the problem, he said, is to court disaster.
Inhibit it, and you are courting disaster.
«Not following a written trading plan, will walk you into a court disaster every time you set foot in the market.»
In some ways, for a major financial institution even to have a ROE goal is to court disaster.
There is probably no place where the use of other people's money can be used to such advantage (if you have a well - thought out plan) or to court disaster (if you don't have a plan) than the stock market.
I was told that to give them a very high - protein diet would be courting disaster for their bone development.
Personal injury firms are «courting disaster» by routinely inflating success fees, a leading PI author has warned.
Metcalf interviewed immigration judges across the country in writing «Courting Disaster: Absent attendance and absent enforcement in America's immigration courts ``: «They described a system plunged into turmoil by appointees at the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security who ignored statutes, precedent, and regulation and imposed policies that dramatically increased backlogs and nearly halted adjudication.
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