Sentences with phrase «court findings»

Ignoring the air space (which it deemed purely functional) the court found Trudeau's glasses «have almost none of the features» of Bodum's.
This year, a federal court found the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department in Arizona, in the guise of assisting federal immigration enforcement, had engaged in a pattern and practice of discrimination.
First, the court found that the term «commodity» encompasses virtual currency «both in economic function and in the language of the statute.»
While there were dissenters, the Supreme Court found that Skilling's negative publicity didn't prevent him from receiving a fair trial — especially because Houston was the fourth - most - populous city in the country, allowing for a large jury pool.
But that marketing strategy can backfire when things go wrong — or if regulators or courts find the product doesn't live up to its promises.
The Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation, which has been mired in years of controversy, has been referred to the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations after the Supreme Court found it did not have validly appointed directors.
The Supreme Court found Standard Oil in violation of antitrust laws and ordered it to dissolve in 1911.
The Kansas state Supreme Court found Jonathan and Reginald Carr guilty of capital murder in 2000 but overturned the death penalty that the state wanted.
Words like cellophane, aspirin, and thermos used to be protected brand names in the U.S. until courts found them to be «generic» and stripped away their trademarks.
The court found that the father made «many of the threatening phone calls,» according to Bob, and that the mother is not a suspect.
In 2012 a U.S. court found Laboutin could receive trademark protection only to the extent his famously red soles contrasted with the rest of the shoe.
Feb. 14, 2014: Federal Court finds federal environment and fisheries ministers broke the law by failing to enforce Species at Risk Act in a lawsuit brought in relation to pipeline route.
The court found an «institutional lack of candor on NSA's part and emphasized that this is a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.»
But, with the benefit of hindsight, I think the likelihood of the court finding against the way the federal government was going about trying to create a national securities regime should have begun to seem likely very early this year, when British Columbia decided to adopt a nuanced opposition to the federal position.
Since the right to fairly priced electricity is not a fundamental constitutional right and because HDL users are not part of a classification that have been subject to governmental discrimination historically, such as race, gender, national origin, etc., the PUD's decision will be allowed to stand unless a court finds that there was no «rational basis» for it.
A federal court found that Coverall employed Awuah and his coworkers and awarded them the unpaid wages they were due as employees.
If the courts find they have been misclassified by Handy and should have been classified as employees, Handy will face substantial fines and penalties.
The Court found that the language of the bonus plan, requiring «active employment» as a condition to receive a payout, did not violate the Employment Standards Act.
The worst fears of many air travellers were confirmed last week in a court finding related to a 2011 incident in Norfolk, Va..
The judge agreed, saying, «The court finds the incident in question is an isolated incident, the respondent entered successful medical treatment, the respondent does not pose a threat to himself for others.»
The court found that there was an undisputed contract between Mr. Vries and Koinz Trading BV: since the obligations were taken in BTC, the amount should also be paid back with the same currency.
The claims that the court found representative for Section 101 analysis confirm that we're not talking about social media applications or financial methods here, but instead «a method for manufacturing a shaft assembly of a driveline system.»
The court found that a stock trading plan established by the company's chairman, pursuant to which a broker, rather than the chairman himself, would liquidate a portion of the chairman's stock in the company, did not preclude potential liability for insider trading.
The Tax Court found that Treasury had inadequately addressed evidence in the notice - and - comment process that parties not under common control did not share stock - based compensation costs, although Treasury explained in the Preamble to the regulation that cost - sharing agreements between uncontrolled parties are not sufficiently comparable to those in controlled - party transactions.
Eight years later, the lower court found Alcoa innocent of all anti-competitive behavior.
For example, one court found that a borrower's alcoholism was not an insurmountable problem, but some borrowers have won these cases.
Using this test, the California Supreme Court found that country club memberships were securities in a landmark case called Silver Hills Country Club v. Sobieski (1961).
The court answered both questions in the affirmative and held that the CFTC can pursue fraud and manipulation claims in virtual currency spot markets.5 First, the court found that the term «commodity» encompasses virtual currency «both in economic function and in the language of the statute.»
Just last week, a court found that the allegations were a conspiracy plot from some of his fellow students and university faculty who were angered by how Khan outspoken had become over corruption at the university he attended.
The court found that the state unconstitutionally discriminated against students attending Colorado Christian University (CCU) and Naropa....
It seems the courts found Julie sane enough to give her custody of the kids... you know, the ones you are trying to enlist the aid of the entire internet to keep them from learning the truth.
Earlier this month, a federal appeals court found the Syrian refugee ban by Indiana governor and GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence was based on a «nightmare scenario» of Syrian terrorists posing as refugees to gain US entry.
The Delaware court found that a jury not only must decide whether there were «aggravating circumstances» that could justify a death penalty, but also must find, «unanimously and beyond a reasonable doubt,» that such aggravating factors outweigh any mitigating circumstances — the critical determination in imposing a death sentence.
But by 1961 the Supreme Court found itself having to acknowledge that «a sincere and meaningful belief which occupies in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by... God» in the life of others qualified as religion in our civil society.
In California, with the nation's largest prison system, a federal district court found in 2005 that the parole board «operated under a sub rosa policy that all murderers [typically serving life terms] be found unsuitable for parole.»
And if you think the Branch Dividians had it coming, I suggest you research their history; no less than 3 times before they had been arrested PEACEFULLY for having automatic weapons and 3 times the courts found them legal and ordered them returned to the BD's.
The British courts found this policy discriminatory, and their small guesthouse, operated from within their own home, now faces closure.
Since the Court found that state and local educational policy were in conflict with fundamental democratic rights as expressed in the Constitution, it ruled that local self - determination in respect to segregated schools must be overruled by national policy.
Because he was given the opportunity during the four - day trial, it is apparent that the Iranian court found he was never a Muslim and therefore Nadarkhani could have converted.
«In the light of all the material in its possession and in so far as the matters complained of were within its competence, the court found that they did not disclose any appearance of a violation of the rights and freedoms set out in the convention or its protocols.»
The way the baptism was conducted and publicized was «rooted in religious belief,» the court found.
The Court keeps on going back to Roe as foundational to justify all the other rights that the Court found emanating from that decision.
Archbishop Wesolowski lost his diplomatic immunity after a Vatican court found the accusations proven and removed him from the priesthood — a decision he's now appealing.
Second, the Court found that the state had its own interest in children from abuses that might «prevent their «growth into free and independent well - developed»» adults.
The result in Welsh was identical with that in Seeger, the Court finding the facts to be the same so that the legal application was the same.
«36 Whether courts are thought to interpret» or to make the law, the fact remains that common law courts find and give reasons for their decisions.
Because the Court found a constitutional guarantee to same - sex marriage, will faith - based institutions be faced with a decision to deny their convictions or lose their tax - exempt status?
In a pair of cases, the Court found that normal patronage by government violated, of all things, the First Amendment.
Then, to sustain its reasoning in the face of new litigation, the Court found itself having to bring ever new objects under its scrutiny, such as moments of silence and abstinence education.
The Fourteenth Amendment was ratified by the states in 1868, but it was only in Allgeyer v. Louisiana in 1897 that the Court found in it a freedom to make business contracts.
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