Sentences with phrase «court seats»

22 states use competitive elections to fill state supreme court seats, and at least some judges face some kind of election in 39 states.
One item, a fight over family court seats, has the attention of some local members of the state delegation.
Why do you keep saying the supreme court seat was stolen?
Democrat Frank A. Sedita III and Republican Emilio Colaiacovo are assured election to two state Supreme Court seats in November, following the unanimous votes in favor of cross endorsement deals at the Erie County Republican convention and near unanimous at the Democratic conclave.
Kellyanne Conway, counsel to the president, talks about President Trump filling the vacant Supreme Court seat left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.
Anthony S. Senft Jr., an Islip Town councilman who dropped out of a state Senate race last year after fallout surrounding the illegal dumping scandal in the town, was nominated by local Republicans to run for a District Court seat in Suffolk County.
Quick shots: Who's idea was it to turn a large section of the food court seats in Mt. Prospect's Randhurst Mall into munchkin - size picnic tables and chairs?
Cuomo gets another shot at filling a high court seat as a result of the untimely death last November of Judge Theodore Jones, the only African - American on the court.
With 12 candidates vying for six civil court seats, Brooklynites nominated only women to the bench and no men, paying little attention to slates, endorsements, experience, or judicial screening panel approvals.
With the Senate under Democratic control once again, President Bush has decided not to renominate four of his most controversial nominees to federal appellate court seats
Failure of the Corporation to Enforce the Declaration The applicants also alleged that the condominium corporation permitted or enabled breaches of the declaration, as patrons of other food service units in the condominium in close proximity to the food court used the exclusive food court seating area.
The Wisconsin Judicial Commission filed charges against Gableman yesterday over his conduct during his campaign for the high - court seat earlier this year.
Just like the Duffy trial, there were line - ups for coveted court seats (I know.
Since Neil M. Gorsuch was nominated for a U.S. Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of conservative jurist Antonin Scalia a year ago, the search for tea leaves has been relentless.
With 16 of 79 districts, a little over 20 percent, reporting, Kevin Bryant is building a sizeable lead in the Democratic primary for the new Ulster County Family Court seat.
An Islip Town councilman who dropped out of a State Senate race last year after fallout surrounding the illegal dumping scandal in the town was nominated Wednesday night by Islip Town Republicans to run for a District Court seat in Suffolk County.
U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, D - NY, is getting used to answering questions about filling the Supreme Court seat of late Justice Antonin Scalia.
Malone and fellow Appellate Justice E. Michael Kavanagh of Ulster County, both Republicans, left the Appellate Division when they lost their state Supreme Court seats in 2012 to two Democrats, Richard Mott of Kinderhook and Stephan Schick of Sullivan County.
President Trump officially announced Judge Neil Gorsuch as his pick to fill the vacate Supreme Court seat left by the late Antonin Scalia.
At the same point in his presidency back in 2009, Obama had nominated nine people for vacant district court seats and seven candidates for circuit court openings.
The NRA's ties to Cambridge Analytica were buried in a September 2016 Guardian story that detailed the gun group's eagerness to see Clinton defeated and deny her the opportunity to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat.
The genius of the theft of the Supreme Court seat was that it energized conservative voters in the 2016 election, because they knew winning was key to pulling off the heist.
Was she promised a Supreme Court seat, or AG, in order to lay off Hillary.
He publicly wondered whether she had been promised a Supreme Court seat or to become attorney general to «lay off Hillary.»
Joe McCarthy & HUAC unfounded accusations of treason and disloyalty, Birther Conspiracy, Stolen Supreme Court Seat, Government Shutdown to try and force defunding the ACA, Gifted the EPA and the DOE to Pruitt and DeVos, won't accept election results unless they win («it's all rigged» — Rump), Russian aid in election and Watergate.
When President Obama selected Garland to fill the Supreme Court seat, Republicans refused to hold a hearing, much less vote.
This perception about lawyer Ampaw has been there since the last time he sat on TV3 electoral petition Saga and shared his legal Opinion on the court seating — where the NPP took the EC to court to challenge the authenticity of the Vote declared.
They think stealing a Supreme Court seat and passing tax cuts that benefit their donors is enough to keep voters fooled.
This year in Texas, the following statewide offices are up: President, U.S. Senate, Railroad Commission full term, Railroad Commission short term, Justice of the Supreme Court seat 2, Justice of the Supreme Court seat 4, Justice of the Supreme Court seat 6, Presiding Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals, Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals seat 7, Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals seat 8.
This year in Texas, the following statewide offices are up: President, U.S. Senate, Railroad Commission full term, Railroad Commission short term, Justice of the Supreme Court seat 2, Justice of the Supreme Court seat 4, Justice of the Supreme Court seat 6, Presiding Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals, Judge of the Read more»
Posts for which the Green Party has a candidate, but the Democratic Party does not, are Railroad Commission short term, and Justice of the Supreme Court seat 4.
'' Republicans tighten grip on Onondaga County Legislature» Former Oneida Fire Chief Don Hudson bests incumbent mayor Leo Matzke in Oneida» McClusky, Gall, Merrell and McRae take state Supreme Court seats» Auburn Mayor Michael Quill wins second term in rematch with former mayor Timothy Lattimore» Masterpole wins race for Syracuse city auditor» Camillus votes to keep the village» See all Election Day photos» Complete Election Day coverage
The stolen supreme court seat is something you might not want to push... just another reason for dems to organize, fund raise and vote against anyone aligned with the GOP.
It's a slow week on the Pinstripe Politics front, but there are a few good stories out there: A Pinstriped Robe Possibility If the courtroom fight between the Yankees and Richard Brodsky finds its way to the Supreme Court, the Yankees might have the upper - hand - Sonia Sotomayor, President Barack Obama's nominee for the soon - to - be vacant Supreme Court seat, is a lifelong Yankee fan.
A notable instance came in the congressional elections of 1992, a year after Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas during hearings on his nomination for a Supreme Court seat of having sexually harassed her when they had previously worked together.
Neil Gorsuch is Trump's pick for the Supreme Court seat left vacant by Antonin Scalia's death.
Political leaders in the seven counties of the 3rd Judicial District — Albany, Rensselaer, Ulster, Columbia, Greene, Schoharie and Sullivan — are territorial, actually quite turfy, about Supreme Court seats being held by their counties» residents.
Two state Supreme Court seats are up for election this year and, as always, the line of hopefuls is forming.
In 2014, when Jaroszynski ran for a newly created family court seat, she received a qualified rating.
After a failed bid for a Family Court seat, Sedita was elected a State Supreme Court justice and served from 1976 through the early 1990s.
Sedita is rumored in legal circles to desire a State Supreme Court seat.
A look at Hickenlooper's choices: Judges from Aurora theater shooting trial, Dynel Lane case among three finalists for Colorado Supreme Court seat
Three of the nine U.S. Supreme Court seats are held by female justices.
In addition, Palin could still get the chance to fill another Supreme Court seat.
Two candidates have filed to run for the supreme court seat being vacated by Justice Tom Chambers, who announced his intention to retire at the end of the year.
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