Sentences with phrase «court space»

The challenge is to make center court space functional and create additional revenue streams while cutting costs.
Going online streamlines applications, ends the need to adhere to restrictive court hours, gives anyone and everyone easy access to the system, and frees up much needed court space for, let's face it, more important matters, among other advantages.
Defence counsel Daniel Brown hit the nail on the head when talking about the causes of trial delay: shortage of judges and crowns, lack of court space and delayed disclosure.
The secret to the Bulls» surprising recent success is front court spacing.
He projects to fit well alongside a cast of selfless, personable Warriors players who thrive on court spacing and hitting three - pointers.
Programs fill quickly due to limited court space.
«It's not really addressing the issues that lead to delay in the first place like a shortage of judges and Crowns, a lack of court space and delayed disclosure,» Brown says.
Some malls are introducing more carts and kiosks to center court spaces, while others are taking advantage of sponsorship opportunities.
Our reception team have racquets behind the counter and can book a court space for you.
The mini games include exercises such as trying to knock prizes off of a conveyer belt, hitting ball machines that march across the court Space Invaders style, and hitting a dartboard type of target with your volleys.
In implementing his recommendations, it is not clear that our Ministry of Justice has much else in mind other than digitalising existing procedures and flogging off the court space.
The court also has a one - of - a-kind sound system with speakers expressly «tuned» to provide perfect acoustics within the court space.
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