Sentences with word «couselor»

Frankenmuth Credit Union staff go through annual training session on how we can be better financial advocates for our members, FCU also features certified financial couselors on staff, has a parternship with Accel to provide custom one - on - one budgeting information, and has MoneyDesktop as part of our online banking service which is an online money management and budgeting software.
Special services of the Rabbit Haven Adoption centers: Personal adoption appointments, Matchmaking, Bonding, Home health demonstrations, housing and set up training, referral to suppliers that have items you need for your rabbit, referral to pet sitters for your rabbits and Haven couselors who can anwer your questions regarding rabbits.
They are very friendly and have helped over the course of the last couple years and got me a different couselor to help get me out of a prolonged situation.
Resume writing services, career couselors, employment agencies — all of these things in one way or another can significantly improve your chances on landing a job.
TC - 3 Make Your Classroom Hum: Use Group Skills to Go Beyond Classroom Management (Adam Silk, MD CGP; Nina Leuzzi, MEd) For elementary and high school teachers, school - based social workers and school adjustment couselors
I am also going to a couselor this coming wednesday, which may be a good option.
Further, data is collected via regular collaborative conversations held on a monthly basis with local superintendents, curricululm directors, principals, couselors, and ancillary staff.
It was Challenging but with the help of caring teachers and couselors that she could confide in she made it through.
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