Sentences with phrase «covers lost profits»

Business interruption insurance covers lost profits while you rebuild.

Not exact matches

So, such company is saved, cost to the taxpayers isn't too extreme (selling price should cover most of the bailout, maybe even result in profit), owners would know that they aren't shielded in case of bad decisions, but will lose everything, and executives would know that they can forget about their golden parachutes.
Now what would possibly work is selling people the physical book AND including rights to download the ebook as well, contrary to what I am sure the publisher would tell you, Every download wouldnt be a lost sale or lost profit, because how many people are logically going to buy the hard cover and ebook as well?
As I understand it, the idea is to have users» purchases applied to the their tablet through a two - year amortized program that would cover any lost physical cost of the tablet as well as give Amazon some profit.
One study found that day traders» gross profits usually don't even cover their own transaction costs, and that more than 80 % of individual day traders lose money in a typical six - month period.
Their cover blown, when we asked why they weren't paying owners for blood samples from which the drug company would profit, having lost all credibility, the «veterinarians» left the meeting and did not show up at the highly publicized «University Study Samples» room the next day.
Business interruption insurance is designed to cover revenues or profits lost due to shuttering your firm in a natural disaster.
So did Google, HP, Facebook and others, who warned that a company could lose its entire profits over a design patent covering a single icon.
Within hours after the storm, Josh, working with New York insurance partner John Pruitt, drafted the legal alert, which addressed issues such as (i) determining if insurance would cover property damage from the storm; (ii) potential recovery for lost profits through business interruption coverage and loss of ingress / egress provisions; and (iii) timely notification of losses to insurance agents and brokers.
The best way to handle this situation is by contacting Trusted Choice Independent Insurance Agents and setting up a business interruption insurance policy that covers your bills and lost profits during the times when the weather makes it impossible to continue operations.
That way, when a tenant moves out and you're still looking for another one, you're not losing on profits that are necessary to cover the mortgage and other expenses.
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