Sentences with phrase «coveted first job»

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Unfortunately, in his first two years as Town of Hempstead supervisor, a job he coveted for decades, Santino slammed the door shut behind him.
In 1986, Ivan Chase of Stony Brook University made the first observations of hermit crabs exchanging shells in a «vacancy chain» — a term originally coined by social scientists to describe the ways that people trade coveted resources like apartments and jobs.
To dispose of the obvious first, Ph.D. researchers who are neither citizens nor permanent residents generally can stay only if they can find a job that will provide either a visa, such as a temporary H - 1B, or the coveted green card.
Knowing what makes other people happy is extremely useful and oftentimes sufficient to get us all the way to that first coveted legal job post passing the Bar.
However, in today's difficult economy, being competent may not be enough to land you that coveted first step to a job: being named as a candidate.
Overwhelmingly, when my clients land positions they covet, they first learned of a role through someone they know — often a weak tie rather than someone from a long - term relationship — instead of an online job listing.
When sending job search applications, two things are critical in making a good first impression to get that coveted interview invite: your résumé and your cover letter.
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