Sentences with word «cowlick»

If you struggle with your hair because of cowlick then try wax, hair spray or even a brand new hairstyle altogether.
He is a tan, fixed - male, Chihuahua, with flopped ears, small cowlick on hind end.
Knock out stubborn cowlicks by blow - drying that section of hair in multiple directions.
Tim Foli, shortstop for the Montreal Expos, 24 years old now and, since December, husband of the Bunny in his life, Ginette Pélissier, has an unmanageable cowlick that gives him the look of a small boy with unlimited funds browsing in a candy store.
I'm the Bad Kid in the «90s sports movie with the gelled cowlick who trips the Adorable Kid with the mushroom cut and steals his lunch money before dunking on him at recess.
Oh... and my twin sister and I are mirror twins (left and right handed and opposite cowlicks.)
Whether you've got long locks or a trendy pixie, you probably have your own unique hair challenges — maybe it's a weird cowlick or unruly curls.
However, even natural changes such as cowlicks -LSB-...]
It's OK to Be Messy «On a bad hair day, you can simply tease the hair loosely around the crown to create a slightly messy texture and height, which is the perfect cure for both oily roots and a bed - head cowlick,» says stylist Paul Labrecque.
At the Salon: Before you make the cut, ask your stylist to inspect for cowlicks, which can prevent forehead fringe from lying flat or sweeping to the side.
I have to part it on the side because I have a huge, pesky cowlick right in the middle.
Somehow though when I take him to get a haircut, it doesn't last longer than 2 weeks before I'm dealing with bangs too long or out of control cowlicks (I'm doing research to figure that hair phenomenon out!).
Expect scheduling regular trims and spending a few minutes taming cowlicks every day.
I have crazy cowlicks which is super freaking annoying when you're not putting heat on your hair.
With both of my pregnancies, I lost a lot of hair in the first few months after delivery, but this time, the regrowth cowlicks are almost comical.
We know how frustrating cowlicks can be but unfortunately, almost everyone has one in one place or another!
Dead boy he is, only to be (sort of) resurrected as a super-powered «bot with big round eyes and two pyramidical oil - slick cowlicks.
If The Last Jedi were a person, it would be a gap - toothed child with a grin like an intergalactic sunrise — part of its charm is the unruly cowlick sticking up on its head.
The bodies that sat around the fire shared the same kind of cowlick at the backs of their heads, or the same laugh, or teeth that were equally crooked.
A bleached blond cowlick spills down his forehead.
The series of sculptures that are central to Chris Evans's exhibition bear cowlicks but, tangential to the coiffeurial connotation, are cast from genuine licks made by cows in buckets of molasses and cereal.
These rumpled rodents lack a gene called fz6, resulting in patches of cowlicks and whorls.
True, but thanks to a cowlick my bangs are crazy.
All those scalp swirls and cowlicks...
For example, they may have a hair whorl or cowlick that swirls in opposite directions.
I'm currently in the process of growing mine out, but due to cowlicks and unruly waves I'm quite dependant on blow drying at the moment.
For example, their cowlicks may match (one on the left side of the head; one on the right side), or one may be left - handed and the other right - handed.
Those spirals of magnetization disrupt the otherwise orderly alignment of atoms in the magnet, like a cowlick in freshly combed hair.
I also noticed a cowlick type thing going on around the top of my head when I'd wear my hair down to go out at night.
Also, he adds that if you want your bangs to move in a specific direction, like Michelle's, or you have cowlicks and need to manipulate them, use a flatiron in addition to blowdrying to set bangs in place.
I'm currently in the process of growing mine out, but due to cowlicks and unruly waves I'm quite dependant on blow drying at the moment.
My stylist, ever the diplomat, says it's just the way my hair parts back there, like a cowlick.
Once all my hair is dry, I part my hair down the middle (well sort of because I have a cowlick) and take my round brush and comb my front pieces away from my face (fanning it out like the whole Farrah Fawcett thing).
Then, blow dry your bangs from side to side with a flat brush, smoothing any cowlicks as you do so.
If your hairstyle needs a little oomph (or your cowlick is misbehaving), this look is a great solution.
First, wet the cowlick with water.
Depending on how resistant your hair type is and how stubborn your cowlick choses to be, we've listed our favorite ways...
My hair was black like my mother's but basically a nest of cowlicks, and it worried me that I didn't have much of a chin.
Clip over the hip, down to the cowlicks on the rear.
Record breed, color, size, markings, scars, cowlicks or whorls, and other significant features.
In English speaking countries, a «cowlick» is an expression given to describe a kink in someone's hair, a wayward tuft that grows in a direction different from that of the rest.
Artists were there, too, in support of one of their own brethren who had long ago made himself into into a global brand: Carol Bove, Jordan Wolfson, Jonas Wood, Jennifer Guidi, Alex Israel, and Mary Weatherford, who rather admired the muscular touch on the canvas, the way the paint was whipped up in spots like a cowlick haircut.
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