Sentences with phrase «crack addiction»

In fact, they're documenting the staggering effects of crack addiction, for which Dicky is a gaunt, balding, and nearly toothless cautionary poster child.
The man who had defended his belt eight times from 1980 to»83 battled crack addiction in the late»80s.
Meanwhile, Dicky, the father of a little boy, finds himself jailed in the wake of a humorously botched prostitution scam and the star of an HBO documentary about crack addiction.
Russell bookends his narrative with sit - down interviews conducted by HBO for a documentary that's initially billed as a piece on Dickie's «comeback» but turns out to be a nonfiction look at crack addiction.
Christian Bale gives a highly acclaimed performance as Dicky Eklund, a washed - up boxer whose crack addiction lands him behind bars while his brother rises to boxing fame.
The lightbulb moment came even later for Crystal, another senior whose mom has struggled with crack addiction since before Crystal was born.
if alcohol = blogs about alcohol, and laws = arbitrary decisions, then it must therefore be true that i am a hooker with a bad crack addiction.
Living with her boyfriend at that young age because her own mother is lost to a world of crack addiction, Alesha is a pinball for every enemy in society, bouncing her around from gang to school to narrow minded and judgmental people.
Crack users find it easier to give up when they take cannabis, and animals given components of cannabis are more likely to overcome a crack addiction
While there, he became fascinated by the hospital's addiction clinic, which used acupuncture and Chinese medicine to treat people suffering from heroin and crack addiction.
I don't know about you, but most of the dating profiles I read don't highlight the daters raging heroin or crack addiction - more than likely, these kind of recreational activities are something you find out about after a few dates... or a few drinks.
Dicky, self - described as being «squirrelly as f ***,» hopes for a comeback, though the crack addiction makes this unlikely.
High school bullying, first sexual experiences and Chiron's mother (Naomie Harris) is in the depths of her crack addiction.
Leaving Pepper with Shelly (Judy Greer), a sweet - natured dog - sitter, he re-connects with Pippi, who has conquered her crack addiction and is now working as a waitress.
Hardy's battle with the demons of his early celebrity came to a head in 2003, when he voluntarily entered a rehab clinic for alcoholism and crack addiction.
No one has a perfect past, but we can not afford to highlight a story, no matter how inspiring, about a minority member overcoming a crack addiction when we so rarely have articles about minority members in the magazine.
Today he has kicked his crack addiction and is rebuilding his shattered real estate career.
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