Sentences with phrase «crack cocaine addict»

Of course, a child born to a responsible mother in her 60s will get a better start in life than the child of an 18 - year - old crack cocaine addict.
By Thomas Ahearn, ESR Staff Writer In a story that shows the importance of using overlapping tools to do criminal background checks, a jury recently ruled that negligence by the Housing Authority in a North Carolina city led to an elderly woman's death at the hands of her crack cocaine addicted neighbor in 2007.

Not exact matches

«One crack cocaine cigarette and you're addicted for life.»
By the age of 15 I was addicted to crack cocaine, running the streets of New York doing everything and anything for another hit!
They may have minor anxiety or low social skills but sometimes the exposure to new technology in which they're flooded with sexual images or sexual text stories, or the opportunity to be sexual in ways that they never could have imagined, sometimes the opportunity by itself can be addictive like we saw with crack cocaine many years ago, so people got addicted to crack cocaine who did not have a typical profile, just the exposure to the drug was enough to flood the brain and get people hooked in a very short period of time.
I was shocked and dismayed to find that so many of the young men I grew up with had succumbed to the crack cocaine trade and were either addicted to it or selling it, died or were killed for it, or were in jail because of it.
He is formerly addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol and it is alleged he suffers from schizophrenia.
In one center we visit, half the boys are addicted to crack cocaine.
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