Sentences with phrase «cracked by brute force»

Then, figuring that Snowden was savvy enough to use encryption that couldn't be cracked by brute force, the government also demanded that Levison hand over Lavabit's private encryption key — something the Justice Department has threatened to demand of Apple (aapl) as well.
Both are encrypted, password protected safes for complex passwords, and will generate random strings of alphanumeric text nearly impossible to crack by brute force methods.

Not exact matches

The sheer number of possibilities for each move render it practically impossible to crack by brute - force computing, which is where DeepMind's AlphaGo comes in.
These passwords can only be broken down by brute force attacks, and even those would take years, decades, or centuries to crack it.
It's incredibly hard for both humans and machines to crack (dictionary attacks will be thrown off by the words having no logical connection, length will make brute force attacks take forever).
A modern computer can crack a DVD's CSS encryption through brute force — that is, by trying every possible key and seeing which one works — in just a few seconds.
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