Sentences with word «crackpot»

The word "crackpot" is used to describe someone who has strange or absurd ideas that most people do not take seriously. Full definition
We also explored another round of Crackpot Theories and gave away our final mini-poster!
Is also the mantra of flat earthers, 9/11 truthers, birthers, moon landing deniers, and all other purveyors of crackpot conspiracy theories like «he baited her into being violent towards him because he knew a passerby would call the police and get an investigation started that would lead to charges being considered against her in order to get her fired from her job with the endgame goal of, I don't know, making her jointhe lizard people or something?»
Sometimes this strategy is called insisting on «sound science» (that's the code - phrase), which means in practice: we will accept any random crackpot idea if it supports us, and if there is a strong scientific consensus that we don't like, «sound science» requires that we study it more until it becomes 100 % certain, or if necessary, even better: — RRB - before any decisions would be made, i.e., preferably never.
If your god exists prove it and not with crackpot theories and old books.
The reason most don't know about religion is because a lot of the information comes from crackpots like the supposed reverend or preacher, whatever, in Florida who was going to burn Korans.
Pataki is a wise republican not to have his name added to the list of crackpots in the republican party running for president.
The place preaches peace and free love and beverages made of twigs, and is populated by crackpots just charismatic enough to seduce a pair of BlackBerry addicts like George and Linda.
In reality, the victims of Fox News who turn red - faced with rage and begin spouting crackpot conspiracy theories about the IPCC at the mere mention of «Al Gore» are actually a miniscule minority compared to «global» public opinion.
It's not crackpot theory in the sense that the paper is based on correct physics fundamentals.
Obama surrounding himself with crackpot scientists and fringe, extreme advisors has harmed his credibility immensely, and obliterated job growth for Americans.
It is no longer just the domain of what are called crackpot lefties, but something that is a part of the national debate.
Racking up endorsements from conservative crackpots doesn't count as progress.
Bethesda have released a new trailer for their upcoming survival horror title, The Evil Within 2 that introduces Father Theodore, the game's resident religious crackpot with delusions of godhood.
So a few crackpots make a compelling alternative argument?
So far as they're concerned, he's an old crackpot who's only good for providing the locals with entertainment.
Considered the realm of crackpot theorists until recently, the idea of prehistoric contact between Polynesians and South Americans has gone mainstream.
It is interesting that once you get outside groupthink «consensus science», you find a complete shambles because the training of scientists doesn't prepare them to work alone like Newton or Darwin on some revolutionary theory that others consider crackpot simply because it's «unorthodox».
There nobility and royalty lived in a pseudo-religious ferment, enchanted in turn by necromancy, Dionysianism, theosophy, spiritualism, and countless other profound or crackpot movements.
New York's senators have better things to do than entertain the few right - wing crackpots in New York State.
From Southern Baptist boycotts of Disney and theonomic tub - thumpers screaming blue murder from crackpot websites to Roman Catholic grandees assuming that their academic achievements require that the world take them seriously, Christians have proved adept at the ways and means of worldly «political politics.»
The world need one more crackpot on a mission from God, doesn't it?
Very solid acting rounds out the film by Moore and, of course, Anthony Hopkins, with another winning crackpot performance by Gary Oldman as Mason Verger.
hey set us loose in something called the Elizabethan Room... A half - hundred old crackpots tiptoeing across the carpet... some woman I don't know is pinning everyone with name tags.
There's a huge difference between being spiritually aware / having a faith, and being one of these evangelical crackpots that want to make some parts of their faith * law for everyone in the country *.
Anyone is free to believe what they choose to believe — but not to force their own crackpot religious beliefs on anyone else including their employees.
That you lump scientists in with «other assorted crackpots» goes a long way to revealing your bias.
CNN treating some complete crackpot exorcist as «news» is very disturbing and certainly enough for me to move to a credible news source.
@Moden: google Google John Calvin, a major Christian historical figure and with very similar «big - mouthed crackpot» views that liked to «pick fights» and burn people who disagreed with him at the stake
They are happy to let crackpots tell them that there is no problem or that no action needs to be taken.
King Boo has fragmented the Dark Moon that shines over Evershade Valley, sending the ghosts mad, and Luigi is unwillingly summoned by the pint - sized crackpot Professor E. Gadd to strap on his trusty Poltergust vacuum and fix it.
«This is a completely crackpot and insane idea of how we should move off of fossil fuels to a non polluting resource,» Cromwell said.
Scientific predictions of global cooling — until recently mostly shunned in the academic press for fear of being labeled crackpot — were published and publicized by no less than the BBC, a broadcaster previously unmatched in the anthropogenic apocalyptic media.

Phrases with «crackpot»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z