Sentences with phrase «cranial cruciate deficiency»

KYON launched TTA for cranial cruciate deficiency in dogs in early 2004, following three years of clinical testing.
Surgical repair of cranial cruciate deficiency is one of the most common small animal orthopedic procedures, due not only to the high incidence of the problem, but also to the clinical success of recent surgical techniques.
The TTA is the newest surgical procedure for management of cranial cruciate deficiency in the dog.

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Cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) deficiency affects the canine stifle (knee) and is one of the most common canine orthopedic injuries, having an economic impact of more than $ 1billion in the United States in 2003.
Results — Castrated male dogs were significantly more likely than other dogs to have hip dysplasia (CHD) than other dogs and spayed females were significantly more likely to have cranial cruciate ligament deficiency (CCLD).
Witsberger TH, Villamil JA, Schultz LG, Hahn AW, Cook JL (2008) Prevalence of, and risk factors for, hip dysplasia and cranial cruciate ligament deficiency in dogs.
Effect of cranial cruciate ligament deficiency, tibial plateau leveling osteotomy, and tibial tuberosity advancement on contact mechanics and alignment of the stifle in flexion.
The tested device (Orthopets stifle orthosis) significantly improved biomechanical stifle stability in the stifle with cranial cruciate ligament deficiency
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