Sentences with phrase «crappy situation»

Looking for the silver lining in crappy situations can be powerful.
He's a messy person struggling to survive through crappy situations.
Why are NFL players so bad at keeping themselves out of crappy situations?
Maybe it's because I've been dealing with death from a young age, maybe it's because my dad was an eternal optimist — I don't know why I've tried my hardest to find something good about crappy situations.
The key is in the delivery, if you come off like a jerk, you're going to end up in a mutally crappy situation.
And I think they are fair questions — because, while getting animals out of the shelter is a good thing, if the animals are going into crappy situations, then it sort of makes it all for naught.
Although the thought of meeting your lost love ones again or having a perfect mate in the after life as opposed to the one who left you or cheated on you in reality may be comforting, it's really just a story to delude yourself into feeling better about your crappy situation.
That's a crappy situation for Hosmer because if they trade him, he gets no 10 - and - 5 rights.
When you've been in a crappy situation for a long time, everything smells like sh!t.
After he is struck and killed by lightning, Carson recounts the story of how he blackmailed his entire school into contributing to his literary magazine in order to accomplish his goals, and take advantage of the crappy situation that is high school.
But these is the best way I have found to help make a crappy situation with your car better.
Congrats on everything getting better, it sounds like you're dealing well with a crappy situation.
This is a crappy situation, isn't it?
It sounds silly, but if you and your travel partner are able to lighten the mood by finding the humor in a crappy situation then it will ease the tension and make the rest of the trip a lot more pleasurable.
But how do we make work less of a crappy situation for as many people as possible?
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