Sentences with phrase «crater wall»

More specifically, it's on its side, one leg sticking up in the air — and in the shadows of a looming crater wall a few meters away.
These types of crater lakes range in size from huge to tiny and are often surrounded by dense forest or vegetation that covers the inner crater walls down to the lake shore.
The gullies are unique in that they're carved in sand, and not in the rock faces of crater walls, researchers said.
In contrast, the smaller dark spots (which can appear as gray, brown, or red) may be the remains of low - speed, carbon - rich asteroids that splattered such» deposits» onto Vesta's surface, or they may be the result of higher - speed asteroid that melted and darkened volcanic basaltic crust on crater walls and floors, or on surrounding hills and ridges (NASA DAWN news release).
Defensive end Charles Haley cratered a wall with his helmet and, while walking near the locker of Smith's replacement, running back Derrick Lassie, hollered, «We're never going to win with this rookie running back!»
In May, the southeastern rim of the interior crater wall was washed over by the Pacific Ocean, opening the crater lake to the ocean.
In what is billed as «the squirting gun,» new images of known gullies on Mars show evidence of new flows and deposits, pointing to explosive events in which some form of water burst from crater walls and ran down their slopes.
For example, a standard impact crater would boast a raised central point, an uplifted crater wall and an ejecta blanket of debris, all of which Siloe Patera lacks.
Cold traps are permanently dark areas — located either on the floor of a deep crater or along a section of crater wall that doesn't receive direct sunlight — where temperatures remain below minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 163 degrees Celsius).
The crater walls provided a natural geological cut - away view 1 - 2 miles down into the crust.
Brilliant streaks on the crater walls suggest that even the feeble gravity of this moon is strong enough to erode loose material; bluish regions near the crater rim may be younger exposed surfaces.
Of particular interest is the bright band in the crater wall believed to have been the surface layer at the time of impact.
One reason is that mudstone is a sedimentary rock — formed in layers over a span of millions of years from material that eroded off of the crater walls — and thus the age of the sample drilled by Curiosity really represents the combined age of those bits and pieces.
They are typically located on the crater floor or along a section of the crater wall facing toward the pole.
Russell's team also noticed a variety of colors and minerals on the asteroid's surface, with bright spots — perhaps crystals or another reflective material — interspersed with black streaks on scarps and crater walls.
And orbital imaging has shown that the nearby slope in Gale was surely a so - called alluvial fan; the cone - shaped feature formed when sediment - laden water spilled down the crater wall.
Only after the crater walls eventually collapsed did the study show replenishment of nutrients from the surrounding sea.
Bizarrely, a mound of rocks within it rises up about as high as the crater walls.
But debris didn?t accumulate as much on the crater walls, leaving behind hollows where the glaciers once sat.
It appears the water mobilized sandy and rocky particles to flow down the crater walls, carving out the gullies and leaving behind the fan - shaped deposits after evaporation.
These regions are typically located on a crater floor or along a section of the crater wall facing the pole.
The strong reflection seen on Mercury is too large to be caused by a momentary «glint» off a crater wall, and when studied in more detail, shares the characteristics of reflections from the water ice seen on Mars and the icy moons of Jupiter.
Smooth ice features rise out of the methane / ethane lake, and crater walls can be seen far in the distance.
Mars scientists also revealed MGS images of a recent rockfall, in which many boulders broke free and rolled down a crater wall sometime between November 2003 and December 2004.
Imagine it — Treyarch and Infinity Ward's offices replete with crumbling, cratered walls and long, meandering corridors with solitary entry and exit points.
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