Sentences with phrase «crazy belief in»

I also have this other crazy belief in particular about the AI world that makes me slightly more optimistic, which goes something like this.
If someone wants to practice some crazy belief in the privacy of their own home or in a church with like minded nutjobs thats their right — but do nt force you prayer on me, make policy based on those nutjob beliefs and please keep your blessings to yourself — I do not want them.

Not exact matches

A bit of site googling demonstrates that «Live4Him» has copied and pasted the same «arguments» for his crazy god beliefs at least 5 times in the past few months.
Its very similar to how Muslim beliefs override reason and practical thinking in the middle east where most of us in America call them crazy for things they do based on their religion.
Personally — I don't care what people believe in — I am too tired of all the crazies to wase even a second dicussing my personal beliefs in an effort to convert them — If they can't see the basic silliness in religion — not my problem
I find it amazing that in the 21st century that there still exists some very strange / crazy cults that are part of the Christian belief system.
What beliefs are «crazy» that Romney beliefs in?
Non theists see crazy people hurting themselves with the false belief in god.
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
due to some crazy religious beliefs out there in the world i.e. marrying off young children and marrying genetic kin, the government can't ever allow religion to dictate marriage policy, so have your ceremonies and deny same - gender couples to marry in your church but bluntly stated your crying and foot - stomping will accomplish nothing, marriage isn't a religious thing it is a civil rights and equality thing, thus if the religious win by denying same gender cuples their civil rights to equal treatment under the law, then don't be surprised when others use those same grounds to deny you your rights under the law.
Unfortunately, while some sad creatures continue to focus on a small minority religion in our country (maybe 10 million tops, depending on the study) while a crazy branch of the majority religion has decided it wants to force everyone in our same country to adhere to THEIR bizarre and restrictive beliefs.
Clearly it's not crazy to think that a bearded man - god will come down to Earth, save all of those who profess belief in the correct religious denomination (place your bets now), and end the world.
his mom brought him from church to church for an excorcism while passing up the hospitals and look what happened... these people need REAL medical help, not crazy faith - heads who compound the problem with their unjustified beliefs in invisible monsters.
You see how you are trying to pervert the word «faith» in order to try and invalidate an atheist and not trying to necessarily validate your own crazy belief?
Our society would go crazy with you christians committing horrific crimes apparently without your belief in a God, yes...?
Actually it was the belief in God and Jesus as my personal savior that drove me crazy and I went to church all the time.
Andrew, you say that it was the belief in God and Jesus as your personal savior that drove you crazy and you went to church all the time, and now you don't believe it... If you really KNEW God through Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you would hav never left Him.
whew, scary how many sad individuals buy into to the crazy mythical beliefs in creators.
Moms cite «crazy screaming,» «hitting,» and «defiance» — behaviors that can develop in the toddler years — as well as the belief that children this young can't understand the reasoning of a time - out.
Despite my firm belief in Julia Child's mantra of «Everything in moderation, including moderation,» I was THAT GIRL — the one that can drive any well - intentioned host crazy.
This is such a crazy mindset for some people, but I want to share my beliefs and passions in hope that more people will be able to live life this way and to the fullest!
He proves why once more in «Take Shelter,» writer - director Jeff Nichols» compelling but discomfiting study of a man struggling to balance his unshakable belief that the end is near with his recognition that he is, in all likelihood, going crazy.
After sitting through the Oscars last night and having my belief in everything good in the world nothing can sooth my soul more than some crazy Nic Cage.
Isaacs makes Volmer seem crazy but still grounded in his beliefs.
The cast and creative team's beliefs in time travel runs the gamut: Trevorrow says, «On the science side, the great inventions don't always come from someone working at a big corporation — they could come from that crazy lunatic building things in the garage.
In the end, there were four scenes: A serf's house where the men discussed the tragedy while a mother nursed a dying child; an apothecary's store, where members of the medical profession debated cures for the plague; a church, where monks considered causes of the illness while they worked on illuminated manuscripts and where a priest was indifferent to a parishioner's pleas for help; and finally, a central market square where traveling Franciscan monks declared their beliefs about the plague, flagellants whipped themselves and blamed the Jews, and an old woman went crazy as she ranted about «the end of the world.»
When I say «this book is a monster» I mean it in every sense of the word: the subject is a rough beast, shambling and spraying acid and bile; as a historical document it is both beyond belief and completely believable; and it's selling like crazy.
«The people in the Philippines just went crazy — it's this kind of impact which creates a sense of self - belief,» says Parker.
B) Carol Osborne, the vet heading the lawsuit, is a crazy person who believes vaccines cause autoimmune disorders, when in fact vaccines don't work that way at all (they act in a different way in the immune system), among other bizarre beliefs she pushes into the mainstream.
A recent survey of contemporary art galleries found that fully 30 % of 8,000 polled operate at a loss, further affirming my belief that all of us in the art world are at least a little bit crazy to continue doing what we do.
But I do think there's room for another dimension to the scenario Roberts describes — that is, short of the mega-disasters described above, the generally crazier weather events that climate change increases the strength and frequency of do have an impact on American belief in climate change.
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