Sentences with phrase «create hydro power»

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Hydro - Quebec, meanwhile, would combine its extensive hydro - based generation assets with NB Power's thermal - based ones, creating a more efficient and synergistic utility with increased capacity to sell to the lucrative markets in the northeastern United States.
Here at home, our water is vital to the provincial economy too, with hydro being our main source for creating the electricity that lights our homes and cities and powers our businesses.
, that is utter nonsense and as wind and solar increase they will displace water and create power from hydro dams and sea wind farms into a totally clean electric infrastructure running clean electric steel forging, electric welding and electric aluminium smelting that will create these simple powerful cars for a much brighter future.
That surplus, in turn, would create a condition in which traditional power producers, including hydro, might have to be idled.
The mini hydro project also creates electricity at affordable prices to power farm machinery and improve communication with the addition of radios and television sets.
In the case of El Hierro, unlike most of the existing pumped storage systems worldwide, the reservoir has been created artificially just for storage purposes, instead of using an existing hydro power plant with a typical dam on a river used to create the reservoir.
Hydroelectric power produced in Canada - generally known there as simply «hydro» - is another water - created, and shared resource of increasing importance to Canada and the US Northeast.
«There are many sources of renewables: hydro, solar wind, or methane and with the funding to our local power provider, they are able to buy that energy but [also] create a local marketplace for additional generators of that clean electricity,» said Carney.
Member of the legal team that represented the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation in its negotiations with Manitoba Hydro to create the Wuskwatim Power Limited Partnership to develop a 223 mega-watt hydro - electric generating station in northern Manitoba with a development cost in excess of $ 1.5 billion
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