Sentences with phrase «create life forms»

In his new book, Venter introduces readers to a future of precise biological engineering, guided by DNA and targeted to create life forms never before thought possible.
But our understanding of how it might have happened is progressing largely from work on artificially creating a life form.
With some building blocks of life being found in clouds of gas and dust in space, complicated molecules, and the results of Dr. Venter creating a life form using a synthetic DNA code, science is coming to the conclusion that no god is required to start life.

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After initially pushing short - form video for Facebook Live, the social network is now trying to get publishers to create longer - form, episodic content instead.
I've seen these collaborations take on other forms as well, from magnifying a nonprofit's mission to creating live experiences via festivals and events.
Stories also includes great features like live video, masks, annotations and filters, which help brands of all types to create new and more engaging forms of content.
These jobs and investments, in turn, will presumably create other forms of growth, which will raise standards of living and tax revenue, and possibly even turn the location of HQ2 into a second Silicon Valley where tech jobs beget other tech jobs.
Just clarifying your faith structure... matter, which can neither be created nor destroyed but only change forms (according to science), somehow just appeared in some form and worked its way to complex life.
God created us to be «above» all other life forms, giving us a brain to use, to make choices and to learn right from wrong and so on.
so, if God created humans, they would all be perfectly formed, experience absolutely no health problems of any kind, and either live forever, or evaporate into thin air upon reaching their 100th birthday?
My point is to say if I somehow possessed the knowledge to create a sentient form of life I would not lord over it.
However, it takes faith to believe that humans were created fully formed and separate from all life.
So if I created a sentient form of life that required millions of years to come about I would require no loyalty.
«mature form» meaning that the original created plants wouldn't have to start from seeds — they were created fully grown and bearing fruits to support life here.
Topher So what is your opinion on a team of scientists creating a thriving, self replicating new form of life without the necessity of god?
This life evolved for millions of years until, relatively recently, one life form developed the imagination to create gods.
PS Pretty sure most scientists believe that biological life is a result of amino acids forming complex proteins; or even RNA if you're down with that idea, not the chromosome, that comes in later when forming creating DNA.
Churches are created by man... a form of socialization of a belief but faith is within you and you take your faith with you wherever you go in life or after.
However, it takes faith to believe that humans were created fully formed and seperate from all life.
Lolololololololololololol... the god cop - out answer... there is NO evidence of anything resembling a god anywhere throughout history... if your god loves you so much why did he wait until the earth had been around 4.6 billion years and created many different forms of life before creating you?
Religious people tend to believe humans are a separate form of life created a few thousand years ago totally apart from all other life.
Sperm and egg are united in a Petrie dish, and a fetus forms, is that not creating life where life did not exist?
Somehow the omnipotent being that created the universe and all its potential life forms is male, often has a big full beard, and behaves like a human father.
-- After creating the entire universe containing billions of stars, God focuses all his attention on one planet revolving around one star, terraforms it, and creates life, one form of which he claims is in «his image.»
9 — You feel insulted and «dehumanized» when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
It will renew us all through the new forms of cultural life it is already creating.
Moreover, as William Beardslee insists, the story form tells the individual «where he has come from and where he is going,» since «by creating its own ordered world, wherein through struggle and action an end is achieved, the story expresses faith in the ultimate reality of order and life.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
Facts: This God didn't know how the universe was actually created, it didn't recognize any physical feature of the universe or form of life unknown to humans at the time (no galaxies, no microorganisms, etc.).
If science ever creates even the simplest life form from the basic elements I might believe you.
Through all of the waxing and waning of life forms, where even extinction events create the biochemical, ecological and perhaps the genetic possibility of another phase arising, there has been an evident ascent of life on earth.
One of the most helpful ways a congregation can engage in pastoral care is by studying issues that might create moral dilemmas before they are brought to the church in the form of real, live, human beings.
At the peak of that unfolding equation, matter is gathered into ontological unity with directly created spirit to form human nature, which exists in direct and personal relationship to God who is the Living Environment of grace and providence for every human being and for mankind as a whole.
The Bible itself placed men and animals in the same category by describing their Creation on the same day and thus distinguishing them as a class from all other created forms of life.
Great as is the significance of the emergence of self - conscious persons within the very fabric of the universe for any reflection on its possible meaning and purpose, this must not lead us to underplay the significance also of the rest of the universe and of all other living organisms to God as Creator — even though we are able to depict only in imagination the kind of delight that God may be conceived to have in the fecund multiplicity and variety or created forms.
Without his putting himself in a religious frame of mind, creating for himself religious experiences, awakening within himself a so - called natural consciousness of God, thus without his being compelled to adopt forms of consciousness which he can no longer recapture, he must be encountered in his life, which has become secular, by the good news from the Lord of the world, who has committed himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth to the world and the secularity of the stable and the gallows («without the camp» of religion, Hebrews 13:13) 15
This upheaval can at first find no other expression than the religious, for before man creates new life forms, he creates a new relation to life itself, a new meaning of life.
t its most fundamental level, Christianity requires a belief that an all - knowing, all - powerful, immortal being created the entire Universe and its billions of galaxies 13,720,000,000 years ago (the age of the Universe) sat back and waited 10,000,000,000 years for the Earth to form, then waited another 3,720,000,000 years for human beings to gradually evolve, then, at some point gave them eternal life and sent its son to Earth to talk about sheep and goats in the Middle East.
Yeah, that makes much more sense than proven factual evidence of evolution and geology which explains how the earth and all of the other planets were created and how life as we know it in all its forms evolved.
It was no doubt a form of gnosticism, which creates and elite body of insiders who cultivate a higher form of religion that despises common people, common things and anything that has to do with a commitment to a moral life.
We have to learn how to be friends... intimacy with God is developed through intentional spiritual practices and habits... Such habits form us into people of virtue capable of living as the friends of God we are created to be,» Makant says.
Yet it also recognizes the process by which the forms encroach on the life that created them until that life must destroy the forms in order to continue its existence.
I also believe that God created the universe, but He did it 13 or 14 billion years ago, Then he worked on it from then until now, including evolving life as we know it today from lower life forms.
However, computers, cars and modes of tranportation, new life forms we create in a lab, evolve as well.
I would think that evolutionists in this day and age would now be able to «create» the most simple life form, since it's so easy that just a matter of time, in a totally sterile environment, could see life come forth.
Another example was alluded to before: the fact that our world seems to have taken shape over a period of many billions of years, rather than having been created in essentially its present form a few thousand years ago, provides evidence against the view that the creation of our world required omnipotent coercive power; this fact is much more consistent with the view that the divine creative power is solely the power of persuasion, the kind of power we can experience working in our own lives.
Bible predicted the re rising of Israel and nobody really believed it to happen especially Pakistan who still today believes they should still occupy the country and keep it as their own... Creating a nation in one day especailly by a lot of misplaced Jews is impossible but like the Bible predicted those Jews that use to live all over the world just formed up and took over israel in ONE day is very impressive....
Out of an Egyptian existcnce formless and void Yahweh had created for Israel a life relatively formed and ordered.
Claiborne's suggestion: Create a Life Party of Christians who «insist on protecting life in all its dazzling forms.&raLife Party of Christians who «insist on protecting life in all its dazzling forms.&ralife in all its dazzling forms
The introduction of discontinuity at the more basic levels is catastrophic to the drive of the élan vital in its quest to create more complex life forms, to express vitality.
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