Sentences with phrase «create substantial hardship»

Buying a defective vehicle off the lot is not only inconvenient and frustrating, it can create substantial hardship as well.

Not exact matches

A disability can create substantial economic hardship for individuals and their families.
In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court (Phillips, Rodger, Hale, Collins & Kerr LLJ) reversed the decision in the Court of Appeal, finding that the English connections in this case were «substantial, if not overwhelming», and that there was a «very large disparity between what the husband received and what the wife received such as to create real hardship and a serious injustice».
[61] The Defendant's interpretation of Article 24 (a)(iv) of the SISIP Policy... results in the substantial under - compensation of disabled CF members following their release [and]... creates particular hardship for those who are the most in need of their Pension Act benefits because of disabling injuries.
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