Sentences with phrase «created after the other animals»

Genesis 1:25 - 27 (Humans were created after the other animals.)

Not exact matches

After the other animals Genesis 1:25 - 27 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and the cattle after their kind... And God said, Let us make man... So God created man in his own iAfter the other animals Genesis 1:25 - 27 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and the cattle after their kind... And God said, Let us make man... So God created man in his own iafter his kind, and the cattle after their kind... And God said, Let us make man... So God created man in his own iafter their kind... And God said, Let us make man... So God created man in his own image.
Genesis 1 tells us that people were created by God after all the plants and all the other animals.
It can't be when one says that humans were created before the other animals and the other says we were created after.
And after succeeding in Tompkins County, and surpassing San Francisco as the safest community for homeless animals in the nation (and creating the nationâ $ ™ s first No Kill community), I wanted to help other communities replicate that success.
After years of researching the Korean dog meat trade with the long - term intention of bringing it to an end, she'd recently co-founded the Change For Animals Foundation, a small international animal welfare organization that works to create positive and lasting change for animals throughout the world through research, advocacy, campaigns, and strategic partnerships with other like - mindeAnimals Foundation, a small international animal welfare organization that works to create positive and lasting change for animals throughout the world through research, advocacy, campaigns, and strategic partnerships with other like - mindeanimals throughout the world through research, advocacy, campaigns, and strategic partnerships with other like - minded NGOs.
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