Sentences with phrase «created by the situations»

Foreign allies and companies that source steel and aluminum from abroad were left in suspense about how the tariffs deadline would play out until late Monday and were fretting about the uncertainty created by the situation.
Identify Food Sensitivities Food sensitivities may be created by a situation of chronic inflammation in the body, excess stress, or overexposure to certain foods.
Singing the song was a way to refrain from being engaged on the possible level of malice created by the situation and to direct one's thoughts elsewhere while the UFW endured and until everything could be resolved.
[13] According to this literature, lateral violence is created by situations of power imbalance which then affects the identity of the people who are colonised.
LeZotte: There are clearly opportunities for buyers created by situations in which sellers need to, or want to, get out badly.

Not exact matches

Sometimes an awkward situation is created by an employer outlining expectations of a job that don't quite align with the abilities of the candidate.
Entrepreneurs «sometimes slap money up against the wall thinking that just by spending money, it is going to create a profitable situation and that is the furthest from the truth.
But by responding, rather than reacting, we create space to consider the situation and decide the best approach to handle things.
Indulge your curiosity and playfulness by creating situations where you can familiarize yourself with the latest devices and learn to use them at your own pace.
No company can train its front - end people to handle every situation, but you can strive to create an environment in which they feel at ease «doing as they would be done by
«This was a problem because not only did we believe that the Russians knew this, but that they likely had proof of this information, and that created a compromise situation — a situation where the national security adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the Russians,» she said.
By having to accept responsibility while not implicating himself directly, Stumpf has created a nearly impossible situation.
By making health benefits a year - round conversation, you can create a win - win situation for yourself and your employees.
The real concern is not how do we address any one situation created by our aging population, but how do we address all of them at once?
That creates a lose - lose situation for Under Armour, where the retailer may be threatened by higher border taxes if Trump's agenda passes, but be stuck with high income taxes if it doesn't.
By creating a succession of short - term plans, your team can evolve as the situation becomes clearer.
By creating a strategy that matches your long - term goals, you can improve your financial situation over time.
But the Fed pretty much by not raising rates, has created a situation where overheating looks likely by 2019 - 20.
«By refusing to act decisively at an early stage, they in a sense perpetuated the crisis, creating a situation where in the end the euro - area politicians had no other choice than to do the right thing,» Mr. Kirkegaard said.
This policy action eliminated a $ 13 billion surplus left by the previous government, created a structural deficit at the federal level, and an unsustainable long - term fiscal situation for the federal government.
After inheriting a surplus the government immediately cut the GST by two points, and in doing so created a structural deficit and an unsustainable fiscal situation, which then required significant spending cuts in the 2010, 2011 and 20012 budgets in order to put the federal finances back on a sustainable path.
I can easily envision a crisis situation created by a bank liquidity crisis, but it's harder for me to picture a situation of transition towards a low growth one.
For example, so - called airdrops, once viewed as a way to avoid breaking securities laws by simply sending free tokens to people who already have some type of cryptocurrency wallet, are instead creating a damned - if - you - do, damned - if - you - don't situation.
CoinDeal is created by three Poles who, seeing the situation on the market, wanted to provide users with the best tool to trade cryptocurrencies.
Rising home values are creating a «double whammy» situation by further reducing affordability.
Of course there are instances where an anti-competitive business combination constructed as an ancillary restraint will survive antitrust tests, but this situation with the three incumbent consumer credit repositories looks like an illegal attempt to stifle competition — namely FICO — and create a vertical monopoly atop the existing horizontal data franchise shared by the three firms.
In a chart created by Jeremy Grantham, we see several «bubble» situations on some... Read more»
But as geopolitics calm markets will return to focus on the fragile financial situation created by mountains of debt.»
In these situations, the board should develop a new formula to recognize the incremental or delayed liquidity created by this type of transaction.
The launch of Blue now comes as a response to the increasingly complex needs of an ecosystem that now includes smart contracts, chip exchanges and other types of asset trading creating a situation where transactions and contracts can involve multiple parties and Variables, each of which needs to be verified by the signer.
In recent years there has risen a new type of the same concern in that the advancement of human ability to control and manipulate the natural forces by means of science and technology has created life threatening situation in terms of the pollution, nuclear weapons, and intervention of the natural process with the unforseen consequences.
Therefore, «in response to the emergency situation created by the Nicaraguan Government's aggressive activities in Central America,» President Reagan said:
And I really wish Christians would make up their minds about Jesus's place in the big scheme of things: is he a co-equal third of a trinity of ent.ities who somehow make up one large god, or is he a lesser god sent by his greater father god to suffer in order to straighten out the weird sin situation he created and didn't get around to fixing for thousands of years (the whole John 3:16 thing people are so fond of quoting only makes any sort of sense in the second situation).
By deciding to create, God everlastingly becomes a being in a way which could not be realized apart from that historical situation with these particular relations in all their concreteness.
Ours is a situation that is peculiarly open to the vision of the most radical of all modern Christian visionaries, William Blake, for no poet or seer before him had so profoundly sensed the cataclysmic collapse of the cosmos created by Western man.
In that respect, the situation may be similar to those created by the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy and the National Right to Work Committee; who would volunteer to be the advocate of an «insane nuclear policy» or oppose the right of people to work?
Whatever temporary effect they may have, they have no permanent effect on the situation created by sin (10:1 - 3).
He conceives of adult education not as an extension of the professional training of the universities but as a means of creating a certain type of man demanded by a certain historical situation.
The virtual collapse of the very foundation of our political life caused by fundamentalist forces and the politics of opportunism creates a serious situation which inevitably raises fresh challenges to the churches in India.
Consequently we know nothing except that man was created by God as God's personal partner in a sacred history of salvation and perdition; that concupiscence and death do not belong to man as God wills him to be, but to man as a sinner; that the first man was also the first to incur guilt before God and his guilt as a factor of man's existence historically brought about by man, belongs intrinsically to the situation in which the whole subsequent history of humanity unfolds.
Probably the danger of a possible nuclear holocaust, created especially by the powerful nations that produce nuclear arsenals, combines with the interpretation of this situation by the preachers in our midst.
When we try to follow laws that were created for a different people, living in different times, from a difficult culture, at a different era, and in a different situation, we may actually end up sinning by following their laws, because doing so might break laws that are part of our own time and culture.
Now, how do these anthropological insights apply to our Indian political situation, created by the new economic policy of Globalisation and Liberalization?
The virtual collapse of the very foundation of our political life caused by fundamentalist forces and the politics of opportunism creates a serious situation.
You can create any scenario with imagination, by presenting the most basic moral question and adding fantasy or some ambiguous situation but let's establish the most generic to create a precedent.
And one does not create in spite of the tragedy but, so - to - speak, by recognizing it in order thereby to transcend the situation should any action be possible.
If it is the work of love to create, to reconcile and to redeem, that work will be done in each age and life in ways which are shaped by the situations which love meets.
The mission of the Situationists was to find ways for people to express their authenticity by creating new «situations» through a critical hermeneutics «that sees through appearances, illusions, and fantasies to the realities being masked and covered over.»
It is hardly ever a cut and dried situation, because by the time someone is reaching out for help, there are usually layers and layers of things and the first thing that has to be done is that a safe place needs to be created so a person is secure in the fact that they are not being attacked, and one in which they can bask in the Father's love for however long it takes for them to know that they are loved.
By positing a profound tension between freedom and reason (or, in his construction, will and reason), Ockham created a situation in which there are only two options: determinisms of a biological, racial, or ideological sort, or the radical relativism that, married to irrationalism, eventually yields nihilism.
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