Sentences with phrase «created order like»

We are part of the created order like animals, plants, insects and all other creatures.

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Sheth explained in order to create a brand people can know, like and trust, you need to build value around what you do.
The 360 - degree integration allows users to leverage custom keypads and voice - activated controls in order to create lighting and music scenes to their liking, such as a wake up call with accompanying lighting and music scenery.
It feels a little like the classic abusive - husband approach, with punches followed up by flowers, in order to create a dependent relationship.
Takeaway: Create products and experiences that are based upon your brand and core message in order to cultivate that almost cult - like connection with your customers.
That's why, like publishers, inbound marketers must have a detailed picture of their target audience in order to create optimal content for them.
Many fraudsters like to take advantage of the confusion that airdrops can bring and will create phishing websites aimed at stealing victims private keys, in order to «sign up «for the airdrop.
While sophisticated options traders like to sell puts in hopes of pocketing the premium income, novice traders should look at selling put options in order to create a way to buy shares in a business you like at a lower cost basis.
Austin: I think you can see a lot of really brilliant minds that are very forward - thinking, like Elon Musk, already proposing that we need to cut the work week back to 30 hours or 25 hours in order to keep full employment, because we can all create a lot more value in a lot more automated way with the way that blockchain will empower us.
The way I see it, even sins like abortion are a part of God's created order.
But, this does not mean that something Divine and intelligent did not order the universe to create a peach, a rose or a maker of things like computers or United Nations systems.
As You Like It would not be an authentic Shakespearean comedy without the element of identity confusion, in this case created by Rosalind's decision to dress up as a boy in order to protect herself and Celia.
Some Catholic statements, like the 1968 papal encyclical Humanae Vitae, condemn the practice on grounds of the created order, which is thought to be structured in such a way that all sexual expression must be open to procreation.
They also like to claim that complexity is a sign of a creator while ignoring that in order to create the universe god would have to be the most complex thing in existence.
In any case, it will be evident by now that the relationship between God and the created order is much more like that between the human mind and the human body, as we commonly conceive it, than it is like that between an earthly ruler and his subjects.
Those who do not believe in God or Christ must have never thought about the universe, its order and continued existance, or thought about the human body and all it's functions and enjoyed a new born baby, or thought about the earth and how it continues to show proof that God did in fact create it like described in Genisis, or thought about hundreds of other examples that prove beyond a doubt that God made all this happen and keeps it operating daily!!!! The only being that messed some of it up is people and that is why God gave us Christ to bring us out of our depraved state and back to the proper relationship with HIM.
That is a sad sad statement seems like you are judging and want everyone to think like you, fact is we are all different I would hate to think that Heaven is filled with robots who have to do this or do that in order to be right with God we did not ask to be created, we are just living our lives based on our view and interpretation of things, we can not possibly think like Jesus because we are not perfect, fact is I do nt want to worship a God that would» ALLOW» a place like HELL to exist, also tell me where the bible mentions hell, just once.
Rodney Stark wrote an amazing book called «The Victory of Reason» where he argued that something like the Enlightenment is only possible in a monotheistic culture where a belief in a Creator leads to a belief in a created order, which in turn leads to the possibility of an orderly set of observations about the world that we today call «Science.»
Like all spiritual creations, whether man or angel, our specific identity is not in ourselves or in the order of the created at all.
«Remenber all scpritures are inspired words from God, my point is, Jesus wants us to be more than religious, but obedient.Jefferson is just stating that American Churches have become more corrupted with its religious practices that they have forgotten about jesus along the way.The church has taken scriptures and have use them according to what is pleasing to themselves.Jesus wants us to forget about what is pleasing to ourselves and follow him, be like him, love him (means be obedient to him) and ignore what we have known as religion.I define religion as jefferson is using in the video as an act of man pretending or decieving himself into believing that he know God and that he is better than others.He shows that by what he know / pratice not really whats in his heart and by serving how we choose which is pleasing to us, so we use God as a vessel praticing holy rituals teaching what we have made tradition and we have a eternal life with God.God created religion in order for us to remenber him and have a personal relationship with him through his son regardless of the many mistakes we have made in the past.We need to remenber God Forgets our past «he sperate our sins from us as far as the east is from the west».
We know, after all, the characteristic effects of physical forces: They create either random patterns, like the pile of leaves against my back fence, or else ordered, repetitive structures, like ripples on a beach or the molecular structure of crystals.
ASBO is an acronym for Anti-Social Behaviour Order — created in the UK several years ago as an alternate means to criminal prosecution for keep young hooligans in check — sort of like a societal restraining oOrdercreated in the UK several years ago as an alternate means to criminal prosecution for keep young hooligans in check — sort of like a societal restraining orderorder.
But do not be fooled into thinking that the issue of law and order was created in the minds of men like John Mitchell and Richard Nixon as a lever to lift themselves to power.
This analogy suggests two things: (1) God, like the mind of a human being, may have specific intentions for part of his body that do not pertain (except very indirectly) to the rest; and (2) God may wish to influence part of the created order by his desires or preferences for it and not be certain of success.
Like the rest of the created order, man must receive from his environment the fulfilment he needs, for which he yearns, and he can only do this by coming into direct contact with his environment.
Television has, as a secular tool, largely rejected the concept of God, but in the place of God television substitutes the larger economic order, and like the Christian religion has created its own «super-natural» agents or saints to help maintain and represent this order.
Pipe the bottom of the pie in the bottom of the pan, and then drizzle crowded mounds on the edges in order to create a crust - like shape.
Not like the batter for American pancakes which have a higher flour ratio in order to create thick and fluffy pancakes.
While some chia jam recipes call for simply blending the raw fruit together before mixing in the chia seeds, in order to create a more traditional «jammy» texture and boost the flavor of the berries, I like to briefly cook the strawberries first.
So it's not enough that we treat our farmers like dirt, we must create near slave - like conditions for agricultural workers in order to reach those holy grails of «increased productivity» and «greater global competitiveness».
Admin, like another fan suggested i think you should create another site called, for akbs like budd, johnestone, john Morris, ny gunner etc, at least they would be able to take turns getting their heads in Wenger's ass, i think a poll is in order.
But for me, lists like this create an opportunity to appreciate greatness, in whichever order it appears.
I would also like to add for a tiki taka system like Man City to work you need to have a lot of movement from players around the player with the ball in order to create space and create chances.
He likes to play the ball off the ground and do layoffs with his teammates in order to create chances.
To a child, these are items that must be strewn about the floor at all times in order to create an Indiana Jones - like series of deadly booby traps.
In order to create a comfortable sling pouch for your child, all you have to do is thread the ends of the fabric through the secure rings and tighten like a belt.
If you're rushed and disconnected, take a break and write down what you'd like to incorporate into your daily routine in order to create an awesome space away from school.
In order to slip in a balanced diet, I create recipes like these Popeye Pancakes.
Forget the drab, and pack the fab with the Georgi — our thoroughly modern diaper bag that creates order from chaos like nobody's business.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned as a parent is that I am not connecting with my children as much as I would like to in order to create that feeling of belonging, and I do not provide as many opportunities for contribution (which lead to that feeling of significance) as I would like to.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned as a parent is that I am not connecting with my children as much as I would like to in order to create... Read More
In order to create awareness for your child on potty training, make him to go for potty every hour even though they don't feel like coming.
We come back to the basic problem / dilemma with kettling: in certain circumstances, it looks like a reasonable public order option; but its very use can inflame the situation, creating a self - propelling cycle of violence - kettle - violence - more kettle, so increasing the long - term risk of disorder and violence.
Last year Mr. Martinez ran into trouble with the City Campaign Finance Board for submitting, in classic Uptown style, «self - created, non-contemporaneous» vendor receipts in order to receive matching fund reimbursement for non-existing expenses... okay maybe his campaign just lost the receipts... still, I would love to see what the forged ones look like.
The 9/11 truthers focus on minutiae like the melting point of steel in the World Trade Center buildings that caused their collapse because they think the government lies and conducts «false flag» operations to create a New World Order.
In order to precisely control this part of the experiment, it was conducted in a rainout shelter that allowed them to artificially create drought - like conditions.
Is there some analogous starting element that could act like the rafts in order to create space and time?
Our findings suggest we should not only emphasize specific protein - rich foods like fish, nuts, and yogurt to prevent weight gain, but also focus on avoiding refined grains, starches, and sugars in order to maximize the benefits of these healthful protein - rich foods, create new benefits for other foods like eggs and cheese, and reduce the weight gain associated with meats.»
Like CGL71, these clusters are critical for the first stage of photosynthesis, where they move electrons in order to create the energy molecules.
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