Sentences with phrase «creates opportunities for the development»

«Because our chip is able to capture viable CTCs, it creates opportunities for the development of new and efficient cancer biomarkers,» says co-author Ray Han, a professor at Peking University in Beijing.
Creating opportunities for the development of writing careers.

Not exact matches

«The opportunity that is presented by this is to continue to innovate, to continue to look at rationalization and also more sustainable practices, which are also another basis to reduce cost and create a more sustainable platform for future development
O'Reilly credits the creation of a vibrant tech community in Dublin to the development of a dedicated area (Silicon Docks) that «has incorporated residential and social elements,» creating a «hub for those working within the tech community» and allowing networking opportunities «in places like local bars.»
For good reason: In less than two years, several key developments in Saudi Arabia have come together, which will create a wealth of opportunities for years to come, analysts have told CNFor good reason: In less than two years, several key developments in Saudi Arabia have come together, which will create a wealth of opportunities for years to come, analysts have told CNfor years to come, analysts have told CNBC.
«The Internet is a powerful platform, taking control from gatekeepers and large corporations and letting small businesses and start - ups play a much larger role in creating value for almost every industry out there... this fundamental shift will create an incredible amount of innovation and opportunities for start - ups, and I hope Canada will be at the forefront of this development
For the fall of 2016, UPEI is offering students a one - time opportunity to take a special focus in public sector management, with three sector - specific courses: Managing and Creating an Innovative Culture in the Public Sector, Public Policy Management, and Program Development and Evaluation.
CEO Global Network is a CEO and executive peer group organization that creates opportunities for learning and development through monthly group meetings led by experienced CEOs, targeted one - to - one mentoring, and focused learning events throughout the year — including the GREAT CEOs Speaker Series.
Sokoni Earlier this year, Zanbato partnered with the African Development Bank to create a version of the platform specifically tailored for African infrastructure investment opportunities.
When done well, progress reviews should feel like a fresh start for employees because they create opportunities for managers and employees together to prioritize tasks, change goals if needed, and ensure workers have what they need to be engaged in their work and improve their performance through development.
We work closely with our clients to understand the objectives for the project and create whole communities where the opportunities of the setting are considered in concert with the program for each development.
If done right, Canadian mines would be well - positioned to sell their products to an increasingly discerning clean energy marketplace, creating opportunities for economic development and revitalization in communities across Canada.
«Additionally, LCEDC created a FlexJobs partnership for telecommuting opportunities, led efforts for the first annual Manufacturing Day with over 150 students visiting local manufacturers, and founded the Eastern Plains Economic Development Coalition to strengthen the perception of opportunity across Eastern Plains.»
The development of an underlying cash market with structured governance could create tons of opportunity [for cryptocurrencies] and the emergence of a derivatives market that enhances and supports the underlying assets.
Rather than sitting back and leaving it to chance that qualified diverse companies would find their way into the company's supply chain, the automaker vowed to create a centralized summit — one where diverse suppliers could connect with real opportunities for business development.
«PublicAuction, Private Dealings: Will Amazon's HQ2 Veer to Secrecy Create A Missed Opportunity for Inclusive, Accountable Development
Lead analytics expert technical consultant teams in delivering project implementations and configurations Strategist for Client Implementations of Adobe Marketing Cloud Products (AEM, Analytics, Target, Social, Campaign, etc.) Participate and lead internal brainstorming and creative thinking sessions that solve client / prospect digital marketing roadblocks, customer roadmap & journey strategies, technical integrations, and discover upsell opportunities Leverage digital marketing consulting skills to assess client's requirements in aligning proper resources and provide on - time delivery of the scope of work Key strategic member of sales and business development teams by providing expert solutions to prospects leading to purchasing content management systems such as Adobe AEM (CMS & Communities), Target, Campaign, Analytics and other digital marketing technologies and services Collaborate with all business units including: consulting, technical, sales, and marketing Developed acquisition & demand generation strategies via event, email and content marketing programs Establish excellent sales and client retention strategies and demand generation by providing guidance through evaluation of current technologies and sourcing of complementary products and services to recommend Created sales strategy to increase sales pipeline and focus on opportunities in both inbound and outbound marketing Co-Sell, Cross-Sell, Upsell & Strategize with Partners.
Senderon will be constantly looking for opportunities to create business and replenish the development fund.
The efforts by 4G Capital, WISeKey, and Bitland are just further recent developments that will provide a better way of life for the African population and create opportunities for growth within the continent through the use of blockchain technology.
The Emerging Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) program was created to support a commitment by the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) to advance business opportunities for certified minority business enterprises and connect them to corporate members.
Through a new smallholder farmer loan initiative with the Inter-American Developmental Bank (IDB) directed toward a women - led coffee cooperative, and an expanded partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) aimed at helping young coffee farmers in post-conflict zones build greater resiliency and expertise, Starbucks will help create opportunities in some of Colombia's most vulnerable coffee growing communities.
This customer engagement also involves creating opportunities for experiential marketing through sampling at events and the development of unique consumer experiences.
«Early Childhood Development is a beacon of light and an opportunity for us to create a positive education beginning for so many,» says Mr Shearer.
«Early Childhood Development is a beacon of light in all of that darkness, and an opportunity for us to create a positive education beginning for so many,» he said.
Our bid promises not only to uphold the great legacy of the World Cup but also to advance global growth by creating new opportunities for the world's soccer economy, including greater television and sponsorship rights, increased franchise and team values and greater investment in player development.
- strengthening the upper body and core muscles for other gross motor tasks - strengthening the upper body and core muscles to create a stable base for fine motor skills - developing stability in the bones of the shoulder joint (the ball and socket joints of the shoulders and hips are shallow and unstable at birth but are molded into stronger, more stable joints through weight - bearing)- visual development to quickly shift focus from near to far - hand - eye - coordination - providing plentiful early opportunities for motor planning (movement problem - solving)- refining balance - integrating the movement (vestibular), pressure & stretch (proprioceptive), visual and touch (tactile) sensory systems - learning to coordinate movements where two sides of the body are doing different movements - learning to coordinate upper body and lower body movements - developing body awareness and spatial awareness - fostering independence
It is also about creating balance, and creating opportunity for right growth, especially for those children where self - growth and self - development are not initiated.
NSSRA offers recreation, sport, cultural, social, and leisure programs and events available throughout the year, creating new experiences, opportunities for skill development, leisure time, and perhaps most importantly, friendship.
One way you can encourage the development of certain motor skills is by creating plenty of opportunities for tummy time. «Presidents create opportunities for people to make money and he [Mahama] says he is laying the social and economic structures in this country; my [Mahama] first term of office was dedicated to laying down the social and economic infrastructure and that is in tandem with development paradigms everywhere,» he explained.
We must come together in a new partnership with our faith - based institutions, civil society, businesses and government to create a powerful locomotive for transformation so that our President's coordinated program of economic and social development policies will create «an optimistic, self - confident and prosperous nation through the creative exploitation of our human and natural resources and operating within a democratic, open and fair society in which mutual trust and economic opportunities exist for all.»
Mr. Speaker, the 2018 - 2021 Budget is informed by the President's Coordinated Programme for Economic and Social Development Policies which aims at creating a conducive environment for the private sector to thrive, propel growth and create employment opportunies, especially for the youth.In this regard, Government's policy objectives for the medium term will aim at: • Stabilizing the economy and setting it on a path of sustained, diversified and resilient growth; • Optimizing the key sources of growth in the economy on sustainable basis; • Enhancing a competitive and enabling business environment for private sector - led growth; • Formalizing the informal sector; • Building a strong and resilient economy able to withstand internal and external shocks; • Promoting agro-industrial enterprises as the basis for the «One District, One Factory» initiative; and • Creating entrepreneurial and employment opportunities, especially for thcreating a conducive environment for the private sector to thrive, propel growth and create employment opportunies, especially for the youth.In this regard, Government's policy objectives for the medium term will aim at: • Stabilizing the economy and setting it on a path of sustained, diversified and resilient growth; • Optimizing the key sources of growth in the economy on sustainable basis; • Enhancing a competitive and enabling business environment for private sector - led growth; • Formalizing the informal sector; • Building a strong and resilient economy able to withstand internal and external shocks; • Promoting agro-industrial enterprises as the basis for the «One District, One Factory» initiative; and • Creating entrepreneurial and employment opportunities, especially for thCreating entrepreneurial and employment opportunities, especially for the youth.
Today's sweeping indictments by federal and state prosecutors resoundingly confirm that the state's use of non-profits and SUNY to award billions in state economic development contracts has created huge and systemic opportunities for corruption.
«With all addictions, convenience creates opportunities for exposure and for the development of addiction and problem gambling,» Shafer said.
They are a local non profit focused on creating leadership development opportunities for young people.
Close to $ 2 Billion in public funds in play Today's sweeping indictments by federal and state prosecutors resoundingly confirm that the state's use of non-profits and SUNY to award billions in state economic development contracts has created huge and systemic opportunities for corruption.
Opening the 2nd African Mobile and ICT Expo (MOBEX 2016), the president said «one of government's initiatives and infrastructural investment that would create opportunity for sustainable opportunity and entrepreneurial employment for 10,000 of our young people in the digital eco system is the development of the BPO center near the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange.
«The opportunity for IAWA to create an affiliation with the RAeS is a significant development towards increased diversity throughout the industry on a global basis,» noted Abby Bried, President of IAWA.
Development staff will create and develop new opportunities for game food suppliers and shoots and organise game cookery demonstrations aimed at visitors.
Mr Asiamah said the estimated GHC7million project forms part of government's agenda to create jobs and empower the youth through sports infrastructure and development, which has the opportunity to train and harness talents for the country.
'' [The project] represents a chance to evaluate the direction of development in Williamsburg and ensure that we are creating opportunities for everyone to afford to raise healthy children and families in this neighborhood,» Adams said.
Initiatives for a Smart Economy 2.0 — Focus on Inclusion represents the Poloncarz administration's deep commitment to a comprehensive, innovative approach to economic development that contributes to a more vibrant economy and creates shared opportunities for all.
As a torchbearer of Africa's Political emancipation, the Ghana Beyond Aid vision resonates within Ghana and catching up with other African countries as the only sustainable means of reaching our goals of economic emancipation as a continent by using internal resources to create the needed infrastructural development and jobs opportunity for the teeming unemployed graduate youth.
Mr Yaw Owusu Sekyere, a Youth Development Advocate and Executive Director of Conservation Foundation, asked duty bearers to create an enabling environment for the youth to tap into the opportunities available in order to minimise youth unemployment.
Kerin will fight to grow NY jobs by empowering programs that create more access to business ownership, skills training, micro-financing, and for community based business development opportunities.
«Government can create opportunities for job creation and workforce participation, but can not mandate results, especially by ethnic or racial composition,» an Empire State Development spokesman said.
He told the citizens to vote for him for more development projects in the communities, adding that, he would lobby investors to the area to create job opportunities for them.
With too many communities living with double - digit unemployment and limited access to affordable groceries, we continue to evaluate local opportunities that will allow us to do what we do best: open stores, create jobs, stimulate economic development and lower the cost of living for customers.
Senate President Pro Tempore Malcolm A. Smith said: «This represents a great opportunity for us to create jobs and promote economic development in our State now and well into the future.
New York has an opportunity to lead industry development by creating more opportunities for businesses to conduct research on the production and manufacture of the product.
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