Sentences with phrase «creatine supplementation results»

Numerous studies have found that creatine supplementation results in improved body composition, increased muscular strength, and faster sprint performance.
The combination of strength training and creatine supplementation resulted in a lowering of the glucose level in the blood.
However, in vegetarians rather than in those who consume meat, creatine supplementation resulted in better memory.

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Therefore, creatine supplementation can drastically enhance the body's capacity to perform high - intensity work and help you get better size and strength gains as a result.
Creatine monohydrate has been proven to promote increases in strength and power, with prolonged supplementation resulting in increased muscle growth.
The combination of beta - alanine supplementation with creatine resulted in statistically significant strength increases for collegiate football players.
«These results suggest that creatine supplementation, despite promoting acute muscle strength improvement, may be harmful as it induces oxidative stress and decreases total antioxidant status», the Brazilians conclude.
* Duration of a few weeks * An average dose more equivocal to a «loading» phase than a «maintenance phase» * A larger dose for potential responders who lack natural, dietary creatine * A smaller dose for potential non-responders with a significant amount of existing dietary creatine intake * A training protocol that emphasizes all phases of muscular energetics to take advantage of the ATP - CP, glycolytic, and oxidative effects of creatine supplementation (HIIT is ideal for cardiovascular exercise when supplementing creatine, due to the repeated bouts of high intensity work) * A training protocol that incorporates negatives in order to stimulate satellite cell fusion, as per Dr. Hatfield's theory of holistic training * A training protocol that emphasizes repeated bouts of work per the results of creatine studies * A nutrition protocol tailored to reduce post-workout cortisol levels, which would involve a post-workout shake and possible glutamine supplementation * A nutrition protocol that takes advantage of carb - load (super compensation) near the end of the cycle
Creatine supplementation may provide you with the results that you are looking for.
A direct comparison between CEE and creatine monohydrate shows that CEE can't even duplicate, let alone surpass, the results seen with creatine monohydrate supplementation.
«Supplementation with creatine resulted in greater increases in muscle mass and strength, and these improvements were accompanied by more decreased myostatin levels.»
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