Sentences with phrase «creating apparent conflicts of interest»

So we have overlapping romantic relationships among public employees creating apparent conflicts of interest.
The Manhattan district attorney has moved to recuse himself from the criminal investigation into an allegation that former Gov. Eliot Spitzer assaulted a 26 - year - old woman at the Plaza Hotel, saying the close ties between his office and Mr. Spitzer had created an apparent conflict of interest.

Not exact matches

But even if the premier doesn't see a problem with her salary top - ups and the apparent conflict of interest they're creating, there are a lot of people in this province who do.
«Although the loan, gifts, and other transactions between the Linigers and Adam Contos did not involve use of any corporate funds, the Special Committee concluded that these transactions created an actual or apparent conflict of interest,» says Dick Covey, the company's lead independent director.
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