Sentences with phrase «creating dialogue with»

I want to thank the government for creating dialogue with the traditional owners in Victoria.
The small to mid-sized works synthesize art historical painting elements from both Cubist and Futurist movements, while also creating a dialogue with contemporary painting construction.
The exhibition explores questions about the current state and future of painting by creating a dialogue with works from the past.
For this exhibition, the work will be shown in both daylight and artificial light, with both environments playing a crucial role, creating a dialogue with the light that radiates from within the work.
Thomas first became interested in creating a dialogue with progressive nineteenth - century artists such as Claude Monet, Édouard Manet, and Gustave Courbet after completing an artist's residency at Monet's home in Giverny, France, in 2011.
Over the past 17 years, Shahzia Sikander has worked within the tradition of Indo - Persian miniature painting — creating a dialogue with a traditional form of art while engaging in a transformative task.
Instead, creating a dialogue with parents, re-engaging students with school, and making the experience in the classroom more appealing are more effective techniques.
The focus is on delivering knowledge to team members, rather than creating a dialogue with employees.
An EdD Urban Education Leadership student, Crockett can be found in the hallways, in the cafeteria and at sporting events creating dialogue with students, parents and staff.
When I listen to a message that impacts me, I can to share it on my Facebook wall, which could create a dialogue with others about the topic.
Christians need not abandon their evangelizing mission by joining with others in trying to create a dialogue with Muslims in the hope of eliciting Islamic support for human rights, including religious freedom.
It can create dialogue with a struggling new mom or show love to a woman who is scared because she recently found out she was pregnant.
I plan to create a dialogue with civic leaders, business professionals, ordinary citizens and political leaders who want to come together to express their views and ideas for the common good.
Are you able to create a dialogue with someone who possesses a different view of the world?
In our work, we create a dialogue with clients, drawing people together by sharing ideas.»
The chat - bot form creates a dialogue with users, asking questions in a more engaging and interactive way than a static form.
Pierre wants to create a dialogue with his users and makes an effort to engage with them.
The program allows you to create dialogues with voice - overs that imitate real - life conversations.
Narrative essays should not be dry as your purpose is to create a dialogue with the audience
She values a consultative approach to create a dialogue with customers, working to identify their needs and educate them on the opportunities that exist for their business.
This exhibit aims to create a dialogue with young people about topics such as the dangers of discrimination.
This taut push and pull of anxiety and desire creates a dialogue with the viewer, as if each painting begins a thought that trails off in an ellipsis, inviting us into the work to complete the thought.
The shows at the gallery also create dialogues with other local institutions such as the Norton Museum.
Through photography, painting, and public mural, she attempts to create a dialogue with the community in a particular place.
Through site - specific installations, Renée Green creates a dialogue with museum institutions and architecture.
Vervoordt managed to create dialogues with visitors at his stand, even selling artworks to collectors who are typically buyers at Frieze Art Fair.
My ultimate goal with LOEWE and the LOEWE FOUNDATION, is to create dialogues with art, craft and other creative fields.
With a diverse assembly of historical and contemporary art, including several site - specific performances commissioned exclusively for SFAI, Experimental Exhibition of Modern Art to Challenge the Mid-Winter Burning Sun: Gutai Historical Survey and Contemporary Response creates a dialogue with classic Gutai works while demonstrating the lasting significance and radical energy of this movement.
In the beginning of the 70s, Serra focused on outdoors, pioneering large - scale and site - specific pieces that create a dialogue with a particular architectural, urban, or landscape setting.
From cinema and television to smartphones, immersive images and soundscapes, this presentation showcases how Rist's work merges the electronic with the biological to create dialogues with her audience.
1 (both 2013)-- exemplify this well and create a dialogue with photograms or direct positive photographs.
Cain «creates paintings and installations that create a dialogue with the history of painting, preconceptions of femininity, and the legacy of abstraction.
Vilma Gold project space will continue its program of presenting historical work intended to create a dialogue with the contemporary exhibition in the main space.
To create a dialogue with the architecture of the Powder Room in the Arsenal of Vauban's fortifications, the museum will also present a group of fifteen sculptures.
In order to explore this theme within his oeuvre, Grasso carefully selected historic works from the Renaissance and Baroque collection of the Bass Museum of Art to create a dialogue with his own works from a wide range of media, all of which investigate a notion of history that is neither linear nor cyclical.»
Wallace creates a dialogue with Canadian history through the symbol of plywood.
With his first artist bookwork, Huerta Marin creates a dialogue with seven extraordinary female artists: Marina Abramović, Tania Bruguera, Tracey Emin, Shirin Neshat, ORLAN, Yoko Ono, and Kiki Smith to explore the subjects of gender and studio - practice.
Sikander was determined to create a dialogue with tradition, developing an original artistic practice that includes painting, drawing, animation and complex installations.
I am interested in how the simple yet, infinite formal variations create a dialogue with non-objective painting.
As a printmaker, I am fascinated with the manipulation of a two - dimensional surface to create a dialogue with three - dimensional space.
Having a successful blog allows your law firm the ability to create a dialogue with potential and current clients.
Through a BlueSteps webinar, she learned the importance executive recruiters place on thought leadership, so she began publishing articles to LinkedIn to showcase her expertise and create a dialogue with prospective contacts.
Whether it is a colleague, friend, mentor, spouse, support group, or career professional, try to create a dialogue with someone who can share your concerns, offer advice, and act as an advocate for your career goals.
To create a dialogue with interested persons in the technique of Sandplay Therapy and to make available some historical information on Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld, the author of this method, the Lowenfeld Mosaic Test, Kaleidoblocks and Poleidoblocks, as well as other Play Therapy techniques.
We can then create a dialogue with our clients to assist them in moving from reactions of blame and defensiveness to a dialogue about their most important needs and interests.
Create a dialogue with your viewers by asking a question at the end of your videos or in the content that promotes them.
As a real estate agent, Twitter can be an excellent platform for you to generate leads for your business, as well as create a dialogue with hundreds of potential clients down the road.
Many would even argue that it's transforming the very nature of how real estate agents create dialogue with potential clients.

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Create the kind of open dialogue with customers that fosters loyalty for the long haul.
Create an open and comfortable dialogue with potential employees and customers.
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