Sentences with phrase «creating false idols»

In the Moss People world, lost and disconnected children, evoking different characters, gather in a Shaman Party, choose leaders and end up creating false idols
I think the concept of genetics and space would have created false idols and distracted from the One that put those things into place.
In other words, man can create false idols from all kinds of earthy materials.

Not exact matches

There is little need for another novel satirizing the narcissism and superficiality of our celebrity - obsessed culture, but what distinguishes Beha's book is the insight that modern people, now deprived of being the apple of God's eye, must create elaborate and dramatic false idols to satisfy the human need to know that someone, anyone, is taking stock of their lives, however contrived and superficial they may be.
& awesome) evolutionary processes God's world reveals to the intelligent scientists God created may be a grave insult to the Creator, perhaps tantamount to creating graven images & false idols (God only knows & judges that).
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