Sentences with phrase «creating tracking mechanisms»

Proven skills in identifying appropriate metrics and creating tracking mechanisms for daily use.

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Examine your Facebook analytics and create your own tracking mechanisms (if needed) to determine when your content gets the most interaction, and what the ideal amount of content is for your audience.
Advocates want public health agencies to create better mechanisms for identifying and tracking victims, and like Clark, they think victims should be connected as soon as possible to preventive medical care.
Australia has created an adaptation program to «help Australians better understand climate change, manage risks, and take advantage of potential opportunities;» In Nigeria, state and local governments are developing action plans for high - risk urban areas, while the federal government is seeking to expand forests by reducing deforestation and wood fuel demand; in Mali, significant efforts are being made to conserve water resources, as well as create usable mechanisms to track the development of climate change.
Helmsley expanded support with an additional $ 15 million grant in 2010 to create a collaborative stem cell project involving Salk and Columbia University to fast - track the use of induced pluripotent stem cells to gain new insight into disease mechanisms and screen for novel therapeutic drugs.
Gradually, with the help of my therapist, I was able to create conscious behavior and tracking mechanisms such as journaling of events, identifying triggers, and verbalizing what I wanted and what I didn't want in my friendships or romantic relationships.
The first two works explore the sonics of mechanisms that create and deliver music: Self - recorded record documents the process of fabricating a blank record; the subtle noises that a cd - player makes as it randomizes through 99 tracks are isolated -LSB-...]
The first two works explore the sonics of mechanisms that create and deliver music: Self - recorded record documents the process of fabricating a blank record; the subtle noises that a cd - player makes as it randomizes through 99 tracks are isolated and recorded onto a cd - r in shuffle 1 - 99.
GCR showers also create lots of charged particles, and these charge tracks are thought to be the mechanism of cloud nucleation.
Mechanism created by a state statute or regulatory action to make it easier to track and trade renewable energy — A single REC represents a tradable credit for each unit of energy produced from qualified renewable energy facilities, thus separating the renewable energy's environmental attributes from its value as a commodity unit of energy.
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