Sentences with phrase «creation of a new humanity»

God's loving action in Jesus Christ is the creation of a new humanity and a new community in history.

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And when I write «the complete chain of events» I mean the complete chain, beginning with God eternal love for humanity, including the creation of mankind and their subsequent fall, and going through God's calling of Israel, His work through them during their checkered history, the birth, life, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, and looking forward to the return of Jesus and the new heavens, the new earth, and our eternal existence with God.
We must continually look again at our presuppositions and intellectual commitments as new scientific findings or theological insights emerge — not to reject one side or the other, but to gain a better understanding and appreciation of creation and the role of humanity in it.
They both attest that access to truth in visible form is related to the New Creation, the accomplished reconciliation between God and humanity, and the reintegration of humanity in its fullness.
Both the Pauline and the Johannine witnesses in the New Testament strongly affirm this redemption of the whole creation — cosmic redemption, if you like, of the participation of all creation in the liberation of humanity from the bondage of sin and death.
There is a burning relevance today in describing the mission of God, in which we participate, as the gift of a new creation which is a radical renewal of the old and the invitation to men to grow up into their full humanity in the new man, Jesus Christ.24
He wanted the church to recognize the positive aspects of this: people no longer needed the old props and were open to new ways of thinking about God, humanity and creation.
Above all, it identifies the reality of Jesus» rising from the dead as the beginning of a new creation as well as the birth of a new humanity.
All who participate in the new humanity of the risen Christ and therefore are «life - giving spirits» are called to collaborate with God and fulfill this commission to save the creation.
The feminine power to form human nature is, through the distinction of the sexes, separated out from the human power to determine the creation of a new human person because Christ is an uncreated person, and the foundation of all humanity.
Apart from such a movement of «self - negation,» there can be no new creation in Christ, and no advent of a new world or new humanity.
If process theology is truly a rebirth in a contemporary form of an ancient natural religion or natural theology, then we should expect that process theology is unable to envision a truly new creation or new humanity.
Sheer wonder was in their eyes as they looked at this tiny bit of humanity, brought into existence by their own sexual union, yet obviously speaking to them of the wonderful and mysterious creation of an entirely new life.
One does not have to lose individuality or identity in order to be part of the new creation, the new humanity in Christ.
This time out, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) goes back in time to prevent an assassination that, if it's carried out, will lead to the creation of a new weapons system that threatens the existence of the X-Men — and potentially, all of humanity.
That mindset denies humanity the great new, high paying STEM jobs that figuring out great challengers will create, denies us the new and unknown knowledge that most likely will be acquired, some of it quite possibly applicable to other future, and possibly unavoidable, challenges in areas completely divorced from the challenge at hand, and denies the creation of wealth so necessary for a better life for everyone.
-- Harry B. Davis, Ph.D «Dr. Lester Brown is one of the most important voices in the world, regarding the creation of a new conscience of humanity toward a sustainable society.»
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