Sentences with phrase «creation of humanity as»

I would put it the other way and say that God deifies himself in us when we become perfectly detached, and that's the nature of God's creation of humanity as the image and likeness of God — imago Dei.
This is the nature of God's creation of humanity as the likeness of God — imago Dei.

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Perhaps you do not know the full intent of the author, just as many «real» christians know that the «author of creation» isn't a being that humanity can understand.
Against those who hold humanity in contempt, I, too, want to declare myself a humanist and join in the most elevated and elevating tradition of a culture that celebrates man as «the crown of creation
Paul's letter to the Colossians (1:15 - 20) has as its theme the persuasive love of God as extended not only to all humanity but to the whole of creation.
If the God of life is one, and if the God of life is seen in every child of his creation, then we must treat every child of his creation as if that child is holy, and there can be no categorical denial of another's sacred humanity.
Paul is speaking of sinful humanity (Gentiles) not having an intimate knowledge of His saving grace, not having had the gospel revealed to them as the Jews had, yet having a knowledge of God revealed by His creation.
Together they form the account of an ancient, sacred dialogue a giant conversation initiated, inspired and guided by God with and among humanity about God, his creation and our role in it as his partners.
the Sabbath was given to humanity as a memorial to being set free from our sins from the first week of creation b / c all people need salvation — not just a specific religion, nationality, race or country.
Here Aulen finds special significance in Irenaeus» doctrine of the divine action as a reconstituting (recapitulating) of humanity's history of creation and fall and the restoration of man's rightful maturity and direction.
Humanity as a part of creation is not outside of nature but within it.
We must continually look again at our presuppositions and intellectual commitments as new scientific findings or theological insights emerge — not to reject one side or the other, but to gain a better understanding and appreciation of creation and the role of humanity in it.
We must reverence all of his creation: humanity as well as the earth.
Humanity is seen as the real purpose of creation, the only real object of God's love.
Is the creation of the soul of man at the beginning of the history of humanity and at the beginning of the individual life of each particular person, as this is understood by traditional Christian philosophy and the Church's magisterium (as a truth of faith), an exceptional, extraordinary occurrence whose special ontological features contradict everything that is otherwise understood regarding the relation of the first cause to second causes?
Instead, the intent of this notion is to depict humanity as the priest of creation.
We are thus especially grateful to those, writing in this and forthcoming issues, who have responded to our request to discuss the identity of God made Man - and more specifically our belief, described in our editorial article, that the key to re-evangelisation is to work through the understanding of Jesus» humanity, and thus his personality, as the fulfilment of creation.
There is a burning relevance today in describing the mission of God, in which we participate, as the gift of a new creation which is a radical renewal of the old and the invitation to men to grow up into their full humanity in the new man, Jesus Christ.24
We recognize our responsibility, as stewards of God's creation, to use science and technology for the good of humanity and the whole world.
Above all, it identifies the reality of Jesus» rising from the dead as the beginning of a new creation as well as the birth of a new humanity.
LET's Religiosity Law # 7 — If you think the bible is historical fact of the creation of the Universe, Earth or Mankind and believe without a doubt that some Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat of his flesh, drink of his blood, and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master; so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a sinful woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree!
«24 His own positive view of globalization reads thus: «The Trinity, as mystery of communion of the three Divine Persons, has always given herself to creation as well as to the life of every single human being, and has revealed herself — under the forms of sociability, mutual openness, love and self - giving, but also accusation and protest against the lack of such values — to the communities of humanity.
What is affirmed is the rule of God, in love and justice, over his total created world and especially over humanity as his supreme creation.
8 sees the subhuman creation, humanity and the Holy Spirit of God as «groaning» together for the End, the final manifestation of the Family of God on earth.
Sheer wonder was in their eyes as they looked at this tiny bit of humanity, brought into existence by their own sexual union, yet obviously speaking to them of the wonderful and mysterious creation of an entirely new life.
But how are we to speak of God as somehow capable of relating (to all creation), present in his word, not self - identical with humanity, yet free from those inadequate conceptions of a personal being, etc.?
I believe that the Christian contribution to a «secular» concept of humanity as essentially a Community of Persons can be best made if we maintain the message of the gospel that God became incarnate in the Person of Jesus Christ to overcome the alienation of humanity from God and to create a Koinonia in Christ around the Eucharist, a Community of divine forgiveness and mutual forgiveness acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, transcending all religious cultural and ideological divisions with a mission to build a wider Secular Koinonia of mutual forgiveness and justice among the peoples of the world, as witness to the ultimate goal of creation, namely the Kingdom of God.
We can go much further and say that the whole cosmos will only make sense, even as a material equation, within a higher Wisdom or «Law» that relates all creatures to the Creator; relates body and soul in Man as one creature without confusion of orders, and Man to God as his true environment; and, finally relates all Creation and the whole of humanity to God Incarnate in Christ as their source and their goal.
In his book Pollution and the Death of Man, a work where he simultaneously emphasized the preeminence of humanity and our links to the rest of a creation, he called on Christians to «honor the ant as God made it.»
And as part of that offering, we would share in his love and compassion and concern for each other in that communion which is the Church, and in God's love for all that he made, especially for humanity - which, at the dawn of creation, God saw as very good.
The way sexuality as a thoroughly ambiguous and perilous phenomenon in the fallen creation has been correlated to a restored and redeemed humanity is through the notion of vocation.
The text is not concerned with material origins, but rather the cosmos - as - temple, and its completion is complete with the creation of humanity, for unlike other cultures where the gods created humanity to serve them, here, god creates this cosmos as his temple — but as a place for humanity.
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ had made it abundantly clear that God will not accept human sin as humanity's answer to the anguish that creation experiences on its way to God's ultimate goal.
Its existence was a triumphant initiative from divinity to humanity as it was also the primal source to the creation of other festivals.
«Freeing God from the burden of special acts of creation does not remove Him as the source of the things that make humanity special, and of the universe itself.
Whether or not Alien: Covenant is better than Prometheus, it better blends the big ideas about creation and the morality of species preservation (and the value of humanity as a species) with big - budget monster violence.
Terrence Malick's Voyage of Time documentary was decades in the making, a realization of a vision and a goal for the filmmaker — an exploration of the universe and all creation, billed as a look into our planetary past and a search for humanity's place in the future.
The Primordial Molder, is a continuation of her large - scale ceramic sculpture series that ruminates on the creation myth from Taoist tradition: in the primordial world, Nüwa the Snake Goddess marked the beginning of humanity by patching a giant hole in heaven with five - colored stones, using the legs of a great turtle as pillars to support the collapsed sky from the earth.
These figures of Boman's creation visually represent the binding thread of humanity and ask to be seen for what they are, not who they are, proving that we aren't as separate as we think we are.
According to a draft agenda for the meeting, the goals of this campaign included: (i) «[t] o establish in [the] public's mind that Exxon is a corrupt institution that has pushed humanity (and all creation) toward climate chaos and grave harm»: (ii) «[t] o delegitimize [ExxonMobil] as a political actor»...
Then we have several artistic interludes that connects these scenes... an idealistic depiction of humanity's technological development as Floyd travels to the moon, and then a horror sequence as one of our creations malfunctions and becomes murderous.
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