Sentences with phrase «creation of the breed»

A dog breeder from Moscow, Yevgueniya Fominichna Zharova, played an important role in the creation of this breed variant.
The outcome was the creation of the breeds we know today like Bichon Frise, Bolognese and Havanese.
The problem of malformed hips which can result in painful arthritis and lameness in the dog comes from the parent bloodlines that were used in the creation of the breed.
Queen Marie Henriette bred Brussels Griffon dogs, and her interest in the breed spurred the creation of breed clubs in England and the United States.
Sighthound - This theory is based on the fact that some of the foundation stock used by Cornelius Van Rooyen during the creation of the breed was sighthound stock.
If certain qualities are consistently favored over time, we begin to see the creation of a breed via artificial selection.
It's thought that their blue tongues occurred as a result of some chow chow lineage in the creation of this breed.
In spite of this, certain breeds such as pit bulls, rottweilers, and German shepherds have been demonized and have been banned in certain countries and many U.S. states through the creation of breed - specific legislation, which targets them.
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