Sentences with phrase «creation of the earth»

In this case, no such evidence for recent creation of the earth and universe has survived critical scrutiny by scientific community.
A run - in between Earth and something roughly the size of Mars is thought to be responsible for the creation of
The water was included as part of the original creation of Earth.
Like Marcion, a Christian heretic excommunicated in the second century, the Gnostics repudiated the depiction of God in the Hebrew Scriptures, beginning with the affirmation in Genesis 1 that the whole creation of earth and the heavens is good.
Demi - gods exist but none are responsible per say for the ultimate creation of earth and what is inside.
There is another twist on the rapture theory, and that is that the people taken could be going to some awful place, and the people left behind could be part of the new creation of Earth that is promised.
Moderates respond to problematic facts with revisionism: when science shows that the Earth is billions of years old, moderates will simply state that the recent creation of the Earth in the Bible (firmly believed until now as literal) was really just a metaphor all along.
An omniscient god would certainly know about unborn children, even prior to his creation of earth.
It is foolish to dismiss the Bible wholesale based on ones that don't have a solid connection with science (the creation of the Earth does, by the way, but not the time frame which is often assumed).
This hadith places the creation of light on Wednesday, after the creation of the earth and its provisions.
However, we certainly do not believe in the hundreds of god's that currently exist, the tooth fairy, santa clause, nor the fable of the Creation of the Earth some 6000 years ago or less depending on which religion one follows.
Actually, the creation of the earth was not literal days, but creation days in Gods eyes.
If you find it difficult to accept that many ordinary people would really believe this sort of thing, consider that in a 2004 Gallup Poll, 55 per cent of Americans said they believe the Bible is literally true, including the story of Noah's Arc and God's creation of the earth in six days.
This is just senseless, like the account of the creation of Earth, where animals are made first, but then a few lines later animals are made after man, and where water is created long before dry land but then the land is dry because the rain had not come yet.
If there is a God,» he says, «He is present as much in the creation of each of us as He was at the creation of the earth» - and Dr. Nuland acts as if he truly believed that.
It's a pretty basic step to apply that thought process to a story about the creation of the earth
The creation of the earth, mankind, nature, etc, has and will never be fully explained or testable, and therefore will always be subject to debate and lead to difference of opinion.
Their God may be the mastermind in the creation of the earth associated with religion or maybe their God is Money, or Power, or Fame.
The creation of the earth foreshadows and is fulfilled by the new creation of the gospel.
Yes Jesus exist long before the creation and participate in the creation of the earth.
The Biblical explanation for the creation of the earth and humans is believed not only by the Christians but also by the Jews and the Muslims.
Sad to see that science is more dedicated to Wars between Mankind's what ever means items used for these term - ination wars and not the science that benefits Mankind, Humanity rights, Peace, Prosperty and ventures to the unknown in creation of Earth and the universe...!
For them, the birth of Jesus Christ was a turning point in world history, a cosmic event just as basic to the universe as the creation of the earth, sun and moon, and the creation of humankind.
The Papago Indians of Arizona maintain that the chiltepin «has been here since the creation of the earth
The gravitational energy released during the creation of Earth in 108 years corresponds to almost the equivalent of 1 solar constant.
Regardless of when the cyanobacteria appeared, it is widely accepted that they comprised the predominant form of life on early earth for some two billion years, and were responsible for the creation of earth's atmospheric oxygen, consuming CO2 and releasing O2 by photosynthetic metabolism.
Uranium - 235 is the only fissile radioactive isotope which is a primordial nuclide existing in the nature in its present form since before the creation of Earth.
Evolution or the creation of the Earth is neither.
Nathanson uses gels, decorative paper, and adhesives in combination with poured acrylic paint to create the support structure of her pieces — a formal play that points to the creation of the earth in the text.»
To Aboriginal people, «Dreaming» describes not only the creation of the earth and every life form, but provides the framework for human experience in the universe and the harmonious order of all things.
Or were they a «gift from God, present at the Creation of Earth
If that were so then only a handful of greenhouse gas molecules at the creation of the Earth would have destroyed it by now.
This structure of the global cloud field is a creation of the Earth's atmospheric circulation.
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